What is the most rare and sought-after cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom?

Ice Frost Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom (Image via YouTube)
Ice Frost Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom (Image via YouTube)

Cookie Run: Kingdom, with each coming day, is becoming more competitive than ever. Players are saving up crystals to roll their Gacha in the hope of getting the rarest of cookies. The highest rarity being Legendary and Ancient Cookies. Although they are few in numbers (the Legendary and Ancient type rarities), they are still tough to find. Cookie Run: Kingdom devs will surely add more Legendary cookies in the near future.

Currently, the Frost Queen Cookie is the rarest and most sought-after cookie in the game. Frost Queen Cookie has been featured in the new Ice Frost Gacha, which was revealed in the first part of the Frost Witch and the Lantern in the Snow update. This special event Gacha increases your chances of getting the Legendary Cookie.

Note: Even though Frost Queen Cookie is the rarest cookie in the game now, it might not be the same in the coming future.

Frost Queen Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom


Frost Queen Cookie's in-game description reads as:

"Somewhere amidst endless snow stands the lone castle of ice. In its halls of perpetual twilight dwells Frost Queen Cookie, the sovereign of winter itself. Like a fairytale queen, she dazzles with regal magnificence, yet her icy gaze leaves your soul cold and dreary, like tundra after a relentless blizzard. Her Cookie heart with all its mortal hopes and passions is long but frozen, all but one: her adamant will to accomplish her mission. A mission of utmost importance to the existence of the world."

Frost Queen Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom is an Epic Cookie who belongs to the Magic class. Her position is prioritized to the Middle by default.

Frost Queen Cookie's skill: Freezing Squall

The in-game description of Frost Queen Cookie's skill Freezing Squall reads as:

"Casts a squall of freezing energy dealing damage and freezing all enemies. Once Frozen, the targets' Cooldown will be paused and will receive an additional portion of damage when thawed. If the Freeze debuff is dispelled, the targets will not receive the additional damage. Frost Queen Cookie herself is immune to freezing. While Frost Queen Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects."

Statistics of Frost Queen Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom

Here are the stats for Frost Queen Cookie:

  • 18 second Base Cooldown
  • Single hit DMG: 67.8% (+0.9% DMG per level)
  • Freeze Time: 2.0 sec
  • Freeze DMG: 271.2% of ATK (+3.6% DMG per level)

Frost Queen Cookie causes single hit damage at 67.8% (+0.9% Damage per level) with a 2-second freezing effect which causes additional damage at 271.2% of Attack. It is best suited with X5 Swift Chocolate Toppings (recommended) and X5 Searing Raspberry Topping.

Note: The article reflects the views of the writer.

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