Best Pela team in Honkai Star Rail: Composition, strategy, and more

Best team composition and strategy for Pela explored
Best team composition and strategy for Pela explored (Image via HoYoverse)

Being a turn-based RPG, combat success in Honkai Star Rail relies heavily on strategic team setups using characters, whose abilities complement each other. While the DPS units deal out tons of damage to the enemy, support characters, on the other hand, excel in triggering buffs and debuffs according to the shift of the course of the battle. Pela, being a powerful debuffer, is vital in late games as she can shred enemy defenses, allowing the DPS units to deal even more damage.


Currently, Pela is one of the strongest 4-stars in the game, who has been placed on higher ranks across multiple tier lists online. Hence, most players would likely be interested to use her in a team to apply debuffs onto elite enemies and bosses during combat. The following guide will review some of her best setups and strategies that can be used in Honkai Star Rail.

Honkai Star Rail Pela explored: Best team composition, strategy, and more

Image showing a 4-star Pela team (Image via HoYoverse)
Image showing a 4-star Pela team (Image via HoYoverse)

As mentioned, Pela is an excellent buffer for the end-game content. She can apply a debuff on enemies to reduce their DEF and dispel an existing buff. The cleansing mechanic is exceptionally strong against certain monsters that can greatly boost their ATKs and other attributes.

Furthermore, the aforementioned debuff nullifies the Mara-Struck Soldier’s Rejuvenate talent, which can otherwise respawn them upon receiving a killing blow. Dispelling buffs provides more value against certain enemies than using one for allies. Thus, Pela should be paired with a strong DPS to get the most out of her kit.

Best team compositions for Pela in Honkai Star Rail

Below is a list of her best team compositions in Honkai Star Rail:

  • 5-star team: Seele+ Pela+ Gepard+ Bailu
  • 4-star team: Sushang+ Pela+ Fire Trailblazer+ Natasha
  • F2P team: Dan Heng+ Pela+ Fire Trailblazer+ Natasha

Seele is currently the best DPS in Honkai Star Rail due to her Resurgence Talent, which buffs her ATK and grants her an extra turn after defeating an enemy. Using her passive, she can chain her abilities as long as her opponents get taken down in a single blow. Pela’s debuffs can greatly assist her while fighting against a respawning monster that can disrupt her stream of combos.

Dan Heng and Sushang are equally good options for Pela’s team in Honkai Star Rail, as they can use her defense reduction to nuke down a targeted enemy. Since her Ultimate applies the same debuff in an AoE, Jing Yuan is a great option for an alternate 5-star setup.

Pela has the lowest HP in the game, making her a squishy target. Hence, it is highly advisable to use a dedicated shielder such as Gepard, Fire Trailblazer, or March 7th to help her survive incoming attacks during combat. Moreover, her damage output is underwhelming, so using Effect Hit Rate or HP will benefit her more than stacking up ATK or CRIT values in her Relic pieces.

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