Bungie announces new nightfall weapons for Destiny 2: Season 15, currency changes, and more

The Destiny 2 Dreaming City (Image via Bungie)
The Destiny 2 Dreaming City (Image via Bungie)

With just over a month remaining for Destiny 2 Season 15, Bungie has officially announced a few things that will get the guardians busy with their inventory and currency management.

With the previous announcement of a change in the reputation system for the Vanguard strike vendor, Bungie announced in their recent TWAB that the transmog system would undergo a currency change, alongside new nightfall weapons that might come with new additional perks.

Synthstrands in Destiny 2

Bungie has been closely following the entirety of the transmog process in the Destiny 2 community.

To purchase bounties for the transmog, guardians had to grind hard for the exclusive currency called "Synthstrands." However, from Season 15 onwards, these same synth strands are "being deprecated," according to the publisher.

Each purchasable armor-synthesis bounty from Ada-1 can be exchanged with 10,000 glimmers.

Destiny 2 Season of the Forge (Image via Bungie)
Destiny 2 Season of the Forge (Image via Bungie)

Bungie is looking to create a clean experience for guardians in terms of inventory space and management. They also added the word "complexity," which has been their main aim to make the currency change.

The number of bounties obtained by one character in a single season will remain unchanged, and there has been no announcement on that matter yet.

Additional weapons from Destiny 2 Season 15

With the announcement of two new weapons coming from next season, Bungie also announced the double rewards that the guardians will be getting after completing a nightfall strike.

The reward pool will have weapons such as Palindrome, THE SWARM, and Shadow price, where only two out of these three firearms will have a guaranteed drop from the nightfall strike next week.

Destiny 2 Strike the Glassway (Image via Bungie)
Destiny 2 Strike the Glassway (Image via Bungie)

Additionally, Bungie also announced a change in rotation for the nightfall weapons, along with two new weapons coming in Season 15. Instead of six weapons with a 1-1-1-3 rotation, guardians will have a pair of weapons with eight in total, consisting of one older and one newer weapon.

The developer will bring back two weapons from Destiny 1 in the nightfall strike reward pool, namely:

  1. Comedian (Shotgun)
  2. Hothead (Rocket Launcher)

The reward for each nightfall strike with the weapon rotation is going to be a lot like this:

  • Comedian/shadow price
  • Hothead/hung jury sr4

These weapons will see unseen perks that have not been added to the specific archetypes of Destiny 2.

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