COD Mobile Season 3: Top 5 Operator Skills for Ranked MP matches

Best Operator Skills for Ranked MP matches in COD Mobile.
Best Operator Skills for Ranked MP matches in COD Mobile.

COD Mobile players are already aware of the huge arsenal of weapons that the game offers. Apart from primary and secondary weapons, players can also use Scorestreaks and unique abilities to improve their gameplay.

Operator Skills in COD Mobile are special weapons and skills that players can use to kill enemies easily. Players can view the skills given below to choose the best one for Ranked MP matches in COD Mobile Season 3.

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COD Mobile Season 3: Top 5 Operator Skills for Ranked MP matches

1. War Machine

Image via Activision Games Blog
Image via Activision Games Blog

This fully automatic grenade launcher has recently been buffed, which is why it is a popular pick in COD Mobile. Players can utilize the War Machine to take out a squad at once to take out multiple enemies. To ensure more protection against this weapon, wear Blast Vests to ensure less damage.

2. Purifier

Image via Activision Games Blog
Image via Activision Games Blog

This weapon is used for blasting a stream of fire to defeat enemies within close range. Players can #dracarys their way through enemies and obliterate them using this flamethrower. This weapon is most effective in cramped spaces and indoor combat.

3. Bull Charge

Image via Call of Duty: Mobile (YouTube)
Image via Call of Duty: Mobile (YouTube)

The new Operator Skill in COD Mobile will be accessible to players at Battle Pass Tier 14. The weapon is a defiance shield that can end anyone standing in the player's path once they charge ahead. Players must be careful and not run into a wall or any obstacle, making the shield ineffective.

4. Sparrow

Image via Activision Games Blog
Image via Activision Games Blog

COD Mobile players must not underestimate this weapon as it is essentially a bow and arrow. The weapon can fire seven shots in under a second, which ensures significant damage is caused to maximize its range. Players can keep the Sparrow drawn for a longer period of time before releasing it.

5. Annihilator

Image via Mr Clasher (YouTube)
Image via Mr Clasher (YouTube)

With a little bit of accuracy, players can do wonders with this weapon. This high-caliber revolver has six high-penetrating, depleted uranium rounds, and one shot is enough to kill/severely wound an enemy. Players can get their hands on this gun via airdrops in the Battle Royale mode of COD Mobile.

Also read: Top 5 weapons to use in COD Mobile Season 3 Ranked MP

Disclaimer: This list reflects the personal views of the writer. As there are many Operator Skills available, an individual picks one or the other according to his/her preference.

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