COD Mobile Season 4: Clan Wars, new maps, modes, and other additions

The Pre-Season update has already brought many optimizations to the COD Mobile (Image via Activision)
The Pre-Season update has already brought many optimizations to the COD Mobile (Image via Activision)

COD Mobile's recent pre-season update was quite big, and the size of the update was justified due to the additions and optimizations that came with it. The new update had more to do with balance changes, but it also brought various confirmations about new additions that players will see in COD Mobile Season 4.

"Spurned and Burned" was officially revealed as the theme for COD Mobile: Season 4 by developers. The devs also announced that the new season will bring a new multiplayer map, a new feature, new functional weapons, new events, and many more.

This article will talk about the same additions happening in COD Mobile's Season 4.


Also read: COD Mobile Season 4: All operator skills, scorestreaks, and BR class balance changes.

All new confirmed additions in COD Mobile Season 4

New Multiplayer Map


The Dome map from COD: Modern Warfare 3 will be a new addition for Season 4. The map features an empty military area in a desert. This includes an abandoned military base, an underground control console, and a deserted office.

The map will be featured in Multiplayer modes like Search & Destroy, Team Deathmatch, and Domination. It will also give players a close-quarter fighting experience. The availability of the map is still not known, but it can make its way to the game along with a featured mode in Season 4.

Clan Wars


This is a new feature that has arrived on COD Mobile via a pre-season update. Clan Wars features virtual fights between clans to complete separate objectives and earn consequent rewards like clan trophies and clan currencies for in-game clan store.

The Clan Wars will run from Tuesdays to Sundays every week, and players need to join a clan on Mondays to claim rewards by participating in the Clan Wars.

New Featured Mode

"Capture the Gold" will return to the game via the new season and feature similar gameplay to its previous edition. Players will have to fight and retrieve or collect gold from the enemy base and bring that back to their own base.

Needless to say, the new featured mode will arrive with a new featured challenge. Players will then have an opportunity to grab free rewards.

New equipment and weapons

Heartbeat sensor

It is a tablet that allows players to track enemies via their heartbeat through any obstacle. The new feature will be available on COD Mobile Season 4 via a Seasonal Challenge "Under Pressure."

New scorestreak


Hawk X3 is the name of the new scorestreak, which was part of the pre-season update. The new scorestreak is not available yet, but it will arrive in Season 4 of COD Mobile on May 27, 2021.

Also read: COD Mobile Season 3: How to get the Spotter class in BR mode

Functional weapons

Image via Activision
Image via Activision

Holger: The latest addition in the LMG class for COD Mobile

MK2: An addition to the Marksman weapon class.

Both weapons have been spotted in Battle Royale mode but are yet to arrive in the Loadout Gunsmith option. The arrival is expected after May 27, 2021, through Battle Pass or some in-game event.

The updated list of weapon spawns in Battle Royale mode

Image via Activision
Image via Activision

The Battle Royale mode in COD Mobile feature spawns five weapon blueprint categories. The developers have updated the list of the same for the new season after the game received the update.

  • Common: AK117/M4LMG/GKS/Echo
  • Uncommon: AK 47/Man-O-War/Locus/MK2/Holger 26/PP19 Bizon/KRM-262
  • Rare: AK117/BK57/ASM10/HVK-30/LK24/AS VAL/Locus/SP-R 208/M4LMG/Razorback/QQ9/PP19 Bizon/KRM-262
  • Epic: Type 25/ASM10/KN-44/DR-H/Man-O-War/LK24/HVK-30/DL Q33/MK2/Holger 26/Razorback/GKS/QQ9
  • Legendary: M4/BK57/KN-44/ASM10/MK2/Holger 26/PP19 Bizon/GKS

Also read: COD Mobile Season 4: List of all weapon balance changes made