Does Overwatch 2 have cross-play and cross-progression? 

Blizzard Entertainment enables Cross-Play and Cross Progression (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Blizzard Entertainment enables Cross-Play and Cross Progression (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Overwatch 2's release in October will bring significant improvements to Blizzard's hero-based shooter, including adjustments to how players connect across platforms.

Blizzard unveiled key aspects of the free-to-play game's platform support earlier this year at a reveal event. The game will work on all platforms, including PC, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch.

They have also announced that Overwatch 2 will have cross-play and cross-progression at launch. An October 4 release date is now a lock, according to the company. With so many free ways to enjoy the game, players might be asking if their account progress can be viewed from several platforms.

A look at cross-play & cross-progression in Overwatch 2


Cross-play and cross-progression hadn't been put in place prior to Overwatch 2. The sequel will undoubtedly support both from the start, and fans can be certain of that.

Former Overwatch director, Jeff Kaplan, expressed his desire to establish crossplay when the Switch version arrived in 2019, but could not follow through due to his departure. Cross-play, which was long thought to be impossible, is now a common feature that has appeared in many games in recent years.

Various communities, from Fortnite to Call of Duty, are already able to experience the freedom that the feature offers and have a portable gameplay experience across other platforms.

1) Cross-play

For now, the only way for you to play together with friends is if everyone is on the same platform. Crossplay will allow four players to play simultaneously across PC, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.

Without any obstacles, groups of players from various platforms can effectively play the title together. It will be as easy as just entering a match, which would help speed up matchmaking, with no extra fees or requirements.

2) Cross-progression

This feature will enable you to use the same account on all platforms. Veteran players of Overwatch may find that switching platforms will nullify their five years of experience and cosmetic unlocks.

The good news is that users had the option to consolidate their accounts in Overwatch, which would connect all cosmetics and experiences to a single identity. In the successor, progress is possible for a single shared account on any platform.

Will progress from Overwatch carry over to Overwatch 2?

Players on PCs with accounts will seamlessly carry over their progress to Overwatch 2. To avoid losing anything, console users must begin merging their accounts to even before the game launches.

Players will require a account when Overwatch 2 premieres, just like other competitive games. Console users must register and set up their accounts before October 4 in order to maintain everything they've unlocked throughout the years.

Will you lose achievements if you merge Overwatch accounts?


Overwatch 2's development is proceeding without delay. A account will be necessary for all players when the game launches, as opposed to just console users in the past.

Creating a account and merging any console accounts you may already have are prerequisites for participation. After that, all of your data will be integrated into your account, and you will no longer have to manage several profiles.

The handling of achievements during the merge will be of interest to players who enjoy hunting for them.

Merging achievements


The account merge will not result in the loss of any achievements or their removal. Your consolidated account will have access to every achievement you've unlocked in-game, including hero-specific and event-specific variants that award special cosmetics.

Any incomplete in-game accomplishments will remain locked. As a result, Overwatch 2 and will both provide cosmetics linked to what you have unlocked.

Xbox quests and PlayStation trophies are two examples of achievements that are console-specific and will remain on those particular systems. They won't appear on your profile information or on PC, but you'll still be able to see them when you play on the respective console.

Blizzard has not stated whether this will be altered in the future. But for the time being, these will be separate from the in-game achievements in Overwatch and Overwatch 2.

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