Does WWE 2K23 feature microtransactions?

Can you spend real money on microtransactions in WWE 2K23?
Can you spend real money in WWE 2K23? What microtransactions, if any , exist? (Image via 2K Games)

WWE 2K23 is here, and various gameplay options and superstars come with it. However, microtransactions have been a hot topic. While the game isn’t riddled with it, there is scope for players to dish out real money. It doesn’t necessarily make the game pay-to-win, but spending money eases the grinding process.

Thankfully, the microtransactions are restricted to one part of WWE 2K23. There is no way to buy specific superstars other than potential DLC, and players don’t have the option to buy cosmetics. As of this writing, here’s everything you need to know about microtransactions as they exist in the game.

Can you spend real money on WWE 2K23?

While it may upset some fans, there are microtransactions in WWE 2K23. However, they only exist in the MyFaction mode, and no exclusive items must be purchased with real money currency (VC). You can spend MFP - unlocked via playing the game, and VC - unlocked via your wallet.

There are bundles of VC in WWE 2K23 that you can purchase, and it resembles a f2p game real-money currency setup. The bundles outside the cheapest ($4.99) all give you a bonus of extra currency.

VC bundles in WWE 2K23

  • $4.99: 15,000 VC
  • $9.99: 32,500 (Pay for 30,000, +2,500 free)
  • $19.99: 67,500 (Pay for 60,000, +7,500 free)
  • $49.99: 187,500 (Pay for 150,000, +37,500 free)
  • $99.99: 400,000 (Pay for 300,000, +100,000 free)

There’s the Token Market, but you can only spend tokens here. You can only use these VCs in the Pack Market, where you can buy specific Basic/Deluxe packs. You can also purchase 10 Pack Basic Boxes, 10 Pack Deluxe Boxes, and 20 Pack Deluxe Boxes.

Of course, the more packs you buy at once, the greater the cost. But looking at the single packs, we’ll look at the Danger Zone Series. A basic pack costs 4500 MFP or 6750 VC. The Deluxe Packs cost 6900 or 9000 VC. You can buy two essential packs for the cheapest cost ($5).

These packs are guaranteed to have one Danger Zone Series Superstar and four other items at random. The Deluxe Packs also contain the same items. However, for players looking to spend less and get more, the Superstars Series 1 cost less. You can buy two Deluxe Packs for one microtransaction (6700 a piece).

You can grind these points by playing through challenges and matches in MyFaction mode, but microtransactions can make it potentially faster. You could also pull packs that do not give you unique cards with real money. That’s the danger of any pack of cards - whether it’s WWE, Pokemon, or Magic: The Gathering.

There will be more pack types for players to unlock throughout the lifetime of WWE 2K23, as MyFaction’s a significant part of the game. However, as of this writing, this is the only place you have microtransactions in the game. You can also find our review of WWE’s latest game here.

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