Fallout 4: How to easily scrap Junk

Fallout 4 junk scrapping
Fallout 4 junk scrapping (image via Bethesda)

As you progress through the Fallout 4 narrative, you will come across a lot of loot and other collectibles that you can pick up. However, as you continue to collect more of these, you will soon find yourself encumbered. Along with the valuable items that you require to survive in the game's harsh world, you are likely to pick up a lot of junk as well. Fortunately, you will be able to decrease the amount of load you are carrying by scraping or breaking down all the junk in your inventory.

The RPG does not tell you exactly how to go about dealing with all the junk that you pick up. That said, this Fallout 4 guide will go over how you can scrap and break down all the collected junk in Fallout 4.

How to easily break down junk in Fallout 4

There are primarily two ways that you will be able to scrap all of your junk in Fallout 4:

1) Through the Pip-Boy Workshop Mode

The first method is rather straightforward and something that you will be able to do no matter where you are. To scrap junk using this method, you must select the item from your inventory and then drop it on the floor.

Now, using your Pip-Boy, make your way into Workshop Mode and then select the junk that you have just dropped. Thereafter, you will get the option to scrap it, along with a list of tall crafting materials you will receive once the item is broken down.

While it’s a handy method to have during exploration, it will not help do away with all of your junk in one fell swoop.

2) Through a settlement Workshop Bench

With the Workshop Bench, you can scrap all of the junk that you have in your inventory in one go. To do this, you will need to make your way to a nearby settlement and find a Workshop Bench.

Interact with it and then click on the Transfer button. This will open up your inventory after which you will get the option to “Store All Junk.” Click on it and all the junk that you have with you will automatically be scrapped and turned into crafting material.

That covers all there is to know about to scrap Junk in Fallout 4.

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