Fortnite: How to get the ‘OG Fortnite Pickaxe’ for free

Image via Epic Games
Image via Epic Games

In celebration of Fortnite releasing on next-gen consoles, the battle royale is delivering players some nostalgia in the form of the Throwback Axe, reminiscent of Fortnite's very first season.

This recognizable Fortnite harvesting tool can be added to any players locker for free. There is no limit to the console or system that a player can claim the OG pickaxe on. It will be available to everyone for a limited period, so it is best to claim it before the time runs out.

How to get the ‘OG Fortnite Pickaxe’ for free

PlayStation players can find the Fortnite Throwback Axe in the PlayStation Store. For everyone else, the Throwback Axe will be available for free in the Fortnite item shop. It is really that simple. Players who have been with the battle royale since the beginning can make things feel like Fortnite of days past. Newer players can just get something free to add to their collection, and thereby pay respect to the game's path that was paved prior to their arrival.

Want to know what items might feature in the shop tomorrow? Check out our predictions for tomorrow's Fortnite Item Shop

Throwback Axe deadline

PlayStation players can pre-order the OG Fortnite pickaxe right now. Once it goes live, the same link can be used to claim it, or it can be claimed on the system. Once the pickaxe releases, it will be available for Fortnite users until January 15, 2021. That is just about a month and a half from now.

Longtime Fortnite fans will know that the default pickaxe changed to its current model at the start of Chapter 2. Not only did the pickaxe go, but the entire original map got sucked into a blackhole. The reintroduction of this pickaxe may add to the theory that the old Fortnite map is making a comeback, either in Season 4 or to start off the upcoming Season 5.

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