Fortnite: The best counters against aggressive players

Image Credits: Epic Games
Image Credits: Epic Games

Fortnite is full of many different types of players. There are casual players who jump into various modes just to have fun, while some serious players are in it to win every single time. Those Fortnite players are typically labeled as sweaty. Sweaty players often play very aggressively, thinking there is no way anyone in the lobby can possibly be better than them.

It can be quite overwhelming when one of these aggressive sweaty Fortnite players decides to push. They may outbuild you, outgun you, and simply outplay you. However, there are ways to counter those overly aggressive individuals. It will take some practice, but it can be done.

How to counter the aggressive Fortnite player

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#1 Keep them in your sight

Image Credits: Epic Games
Image Credits: Epic Games

This first tip may be the most important. Fortnite is a game about survival. Too many times, you may are wandering out in the open and getting picked off quickly. If there is an aggressive player, they are sure to know all of the routes on the map and how to get to your position.

Don't let them out of your sight. This will make it easy to track their path as they push in. Do not let them find a hiding spot.

#2 Pre-firing

Image Credits: Epic Games
Image Credits: Epic Games

Pre-firing has become a huge part of many games' play styles, and Fortnite is no exception. Do not be afraid to start shooting those bullets at the corner they are about to come around. This will make sure you don't have to react when they appear.

The only reaction will be having to make sure the shots stay on the aggressive player. This method will give you the first shots hit, which are invaluable in any gunfight.

#3 Build, build, and build

Image Credits: Fortnite INTEL
Image Credits: Fortnite INTEL

Fortnite and building are synonymous. Building can help with several things in the battle royale. Build to get away from the aggressive player. Build to block his shots or his path to you. Build to move closer and get a better angle.

Don't be afraid to build. If you feel he/she will outbuild you, build to your comfort. Just use this Fortnite feature to ensure you stay alive long enough to deal with the sweaty opponent.

#4 Play aggressively

Image Credits: Epic Games
Image Credits: Epic Games

Sometimes, the best way to counter an aggressive Fortnite player is to be aggressive yourself. Push them. Shoot down all of their walls. Spam grenades at them. Build above them and just be annoying.

Many aggressive players feel that their playstyle will cause whoever they are approaching to make mistakes. Their whole intention is to overwhelm and leave players flustered. Being aggressive back to them will throw off their entire game plan. They won't know what to do with a player pushing them rather than panicking.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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