Full list of Genshin Impact materials to upgrade Polar Star until Level 90

The Polar Star is Childe's signature bow (Image via Sportskeeda)
The Polar Star is Childe's signature bow (Image via Sportskeeda)

The Polar Star is a brand new 5-star Bow that will come out in Genshin Impact 2.2 and naturally, some players wish to farm for its Ascension materials.

It's a bow most commonly associated with Childe, but any Bow user can utilize it. Like other 5-star weapons, Genshin Impact players can raise it to Level 90. To do so, they must gather some Ascension materials to upgrade it when necessary. Even if the player fails to get the Polar Star in Genshin Impact 2.2, they can still use these Ascension materials on other weapons.

Full list of Genshin Impact materials to upgrade Polar Star until Level 90

The Polar Star's secondary stat is CRIT, and its effect makes it potent for DPS builds. It boosts the user's Elemental Skill and Burst DMG by a set amount (depending on Refinement Levels).

It also gives the user an ATK steroid depending on the number of stacks they earn via Normal and Charged Attacks, Elemental Skills and Bursts.

The following is a table of all Ascension materials that the Polar Star needs:

Ascension #Ascension MaterialsMora
15x Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant
5x Concealed Claw
3x Spectral Husk
25x Mask of the Tiger's Bite
18x Concealed Claw
12x Spectral Husk
39x Mask of the Tiger's Bite
9x Concealed Unguis
9x Spectral Heart
45x Mask of the One-Horned
18x Concealed Unguis
14x Spectral Heart
59x Mask of the One-Horned
14x Concealed Talon
9x Spectral Nucleus
66x Mask of the Kijin
27x Concealed Talon
18x Spectral Nucleus

In total, the player needs:

  • 225,000 Mora
  • 5 Masks of the Wicked Lieutenant
  • 14 Masks of the Tiger's Bite
  • 14 Masks of the One-Horned
  • 6 Masks of the Kijin
  • 23 Concealed Claws
  • 27 Concealed Unguis
  • 41 Concealed Talons
  • 15 Spectral Husks
  • 23 Spectral Hearts
  • 27 Spectral Nuclei

Everything but the Concealed Claws, Concealed Unguis, and Concealed Talons are farmable in Genshin Impact 2.1. Hence, gamers can already prepare to max out the Polar Star on Day 1 of Genshin Impact 2.2.

Farming Masks

The Court of Flowing Sands domain is located here (Image via Genshin Impact)
The Court of Flowing Sands domain is located here (Image via Genshin Impact)

Farming the Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant

All "Mask of the" Ascension materials are available in the same domain. This domain is known as the Court of Flowing Sands, available in all four stages. The domain is north of the Grand Narukami Shrine.

It (like every other "Mask of the" material) is only available on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Farming the Mask of the Tiger's Bite

It's available in the same Court of Flowing Sands as well. This time, players must do either the second, third, or fourth stage.

Alternatively, using three Masks of the Wicked Lieutenant for crafting can give the player one Mask of the Tiger's Bite.

Farming the Mask of the One-Horned

Same tale as before, except it must be done on either the third or fourth stage. Also, one can craft one Mask of the One-Horned by using three Masks of the Tiger's Bite.

Farming the Mask of the Kijin

This mask is only available in the fourth stage. Like before, players can craft it by using three Masks of the One-Horned.

Farming Specters

Specters are enemies that are only in Watatsumi and Seirai Island in Genshin Impact 2.1. All variations of them (Hydro, Anemo, and Geo) drop the same Spectral materials.

Level 1+ can drop the Spectral Husk, whereas Level 40+ and Level 60+ can drop the Spectral Heart and Spectral Nucleus, respectively.

Also, Genshin Impact players can craft higher-leveled Spectral materials.

Farming the Concealed materials

The new Rifthound enemies (Image via Genshin Impact)
The new Rifthound enemies (Image via Genshin Impact)

Although these materials aren't available in Genshin Impact 2.1 yet, players will be able to farm them in Genshin Impact 2.2. Rifthounds and Rifthound Whelps will drop them. The Ascension materials are:

  • Concealed Claw (Lv. 1+)
  • Concealed Unguis (Lv. 40+)
  • Concealed Talons (Lv. 60+)

Like with other Ascension materials, Genshin Impact players can craft them on a crafting bench.