Genshin Impact 2.3: Eula and Albedo banner pity and soft pity explained

Eula and Albedo's banners are almost finished (Image via Genshin Impact)
Eula and Albedo's banners are almost finished (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact fans who plan on summoning for Eula or Albedo only have a few days left before their reruns end. These two characters make great additions to a team, with both five-stars having powerful skills. Eula and Albedo are definitely worth picking up, and players who want to wish for them have to take advantage of Genshin Impact's pity system.

The pity system allows players to easily get the five-star character they are chasing, and with only a few days left on the banners, understanding it will be very important.

Genshin Impact: Featured banner pity explained

Genshin Impact's featured banners utilize a pity system to help players get the characters they are chasing. Both the featured and the standard banner each have their own unique in-game counter that slowly ticks up until players receive a five-star character. This counter goes up to 90 wishes, and when players hit 90, they are guaranteed to get a five-star character. This pity is shared between the featured Albedo banner and the Eula banner, as these special double reruns will utilize the same counter.

Players should be aware, however, that just because they hit 90 wishes, they aren't guaranteed the featured five-star character. This is due to the game's 50/50 system, which helps determine which character is summoned once players hit pity. Whenever a five-star character is summoned on an event banner, there is a 50% chance that it will be the featured five-star, and a 50% chance that it will be a character from the standard banner. However, if the last five-star summoned on the featured banner was from the standard pool, players are guaranteed to get the featured character. Taking advantage of this system can help guarantee new characters every time.

Soft pity explained

Soft pity is also a feature in Genshin Impact that some players may not know about. This kicks in at around 70 wishes into a banner, and allows fans to get a five-star character earlier than 90 wishes. Many fans have reported this occurrence, and thanks to some calculations, it can be determined that there is a higher chance for a five-star summon after 70-79 wishes. Players may want to take advantage of this and save some Primogems by doing single wishes until they receive their five-star.

Genshin Impact's banners follow some easy to understand rules, and keeping them in mind can guarantee any five-star character.

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