Genshin Impact 2.3 leaks: Gorou and Itto's release dates, skills, and recent buffs

Gorou and Itto will be releasing soon (Image via Genshin Impact)
Gorou and Itto will be releasing soon (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact 2.3 leaks have revealed the release dates for both Arataki Itto and Gorou. This info comes alongside new buffs and other leaks about their skills, giving players tons of foresight. Both of these characters offer some unique options for a Geo focused team.

Players can prepare to summon for either Gorou or Itto, or even both when they release in update 2.3. Fans can find out the exact release dates here, which can help them save up on Primogems. This new update looks to seriously buff up the Geo element with some powerful new characters.

Itto and Gorou info revealed in Genshin Impact 2.3 leaks

The currently leaked release date for both Gorou and Itto falls on December 14. Fans who want both of these characters will be lucky enough to have them both appear on a single banner.

A lot of the time, characters who synergize well like this will be split between two banners. This time, however, fans won't have to choose between Gorou or Itto and can summon both easily. These two Geo characters complement each other amazingly well and can create a powerful team.

Arataki Itto has some amazing skills for offense, as he is intended to be a main DPS for the Geo element in Genshin Impact. Itto's Elemental Skill allows him to summon Ushi, a helper from his gang who acts as both a Geo construct and a taunt for enemies.

Ushi will draw the ire of Itto's foes and grant him stacks of his unique passive when it takes damage. Itto can utilize this passive to unleash devastating blows with his special charged attacks.

Itto can also amp up his damage tremendously by activating his Elemental Burst and converting the damage into Geo. This boosts his modifiers by a ton and will allow him to destroy his foes.

Gorou, on the other hand, is a lot more supportive. He acts as a Geo buffer, especially for teams that solely focus on the element. He can provide some insane boosts to power based on how many Geo members there are in a team.

Gorou's abilities only increase in potency with more members, so players will want to make sure they build around him. Gorou's Elemental Skill allows him to create a zone that boosts Geo damage and provides buffs to defense. His Elemental Burst only increases these buffs and allows the zone to become portable. These buffs provide some huge utility and make Gorou a great support.

Recent buffs and changes

Arataki Itto has been subject to a ton of changes during the Genshin Impact 2.3 beta, with his base stats increasing and changes to his constellations. Itto has gotten some changes to his constellations as well, with a minor nerf to his Energy and Cooldown reduction on his C2. However, he has gained buffs on his C4, and a massive increase to his Crit DMG at C6. Fans can read all about Itto's new changes here.

Genshin Impact 2.3 looks to be a huge update for the Geo element, and fans will definitely want to be prepared to summon for Itto and Gorou.

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