Genshin Impact 2.3 Spiral Abyss guide: How to defeat the Maguu Kenkis

The Maguu Kenkis will provide a tough battle (Image via Genshin Impact)
The Maguu Kenkis will provide a tough battle (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact 2.3's new Spiral Abyss rotation will provide players with a serious challenge once they arrive at floor 12. This floor is usually where the game reserves its toughest foes, and this rotation is no different.

Fans will need to face off against three Maguu Kenkis, making this battle a real test of their ability. Players will need to carefully manage their positioning and bring their strongest AOE characters if they want to take down these powerful swordsmen.

Here's a useful strategy for players to follow for the Spiral Abyss.

Genshin Impact: How to beat the three Maguu Kenki


Players will need to strategize if they plan on taking down these three Maguu Kenki in Genshin Impact 2.3's Spiral Abyss. These powerful foes can deal some serious damage without proper planning, but they can also be taken down pretty easily with the right team.

Avoiding their damage is a priority, but it may actually be easier to deal with three Maguu Kenki over a single one. This is due to the fact that these three bosses attack with a set rhythm, and once players are used to it, they can dodge their attacks easily.

Firstly, this version has no invulnerability phase, so players should take advantage of this and start doing damage as soon as possible. Once they've gotten into the middle of the fight, gamers should utilize as many AOE skills as they can. This will allow them to damage the bosses all at once, if aimed properly. With a team full of powerful AOE characters like Kazuha or Eula, fans can take down all of these powerful enemies at the same time.

A trick that Genshin Impact players can use is memorizing when the Maguu Kenki is planning to strike. This can easily be remembered, as they always strike following a set amount of time. After two seconds pass, fans can expect a blow every ten seconds. This means that the Maguu Kenki will first strike when the clock hits 9:12, and then 9:02, and so on. If gamers time their Elemental Burst or dodging skills correctly, they can take down this boss without ever getting hit.

In summary, players should make sure to group up all three of these Maguu Kenki by standing in the center of them, utilizing AOE to hit as many as possible and dodge every ten seconds to avoid the powerful attacks.

Genshin Impact's Maguu Kenki aren't too difficult to take down once players understand the strategy and follow a solid plan.

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