Genshin Impact 2.4 brings Daily Login event rewarding 13 Intertwined fates for free

Two daily login events reward players with Intertwined Fates and much more (Image via Genshin Impact)
Two daily login events reward players with Intertwined Fates and much more (Image via Genshin Impact)

Nothing is better than Primogems except free Intertwined Fates in Genshin Impact. Today, the community received the great news that they will receive 13 free Intertwined Fates simply by logging in to the game.

There are two new events in version 2.4 that will provide Intertwined Fates, and players must take note of the dates to avoid missing these events.

The first event, 'May Fortune Find You', is a Daily Login Event starting on January 25, 2022, at 4.00 am. Meanwhile, the second event is 'Flowing Lights and Colors', beginning on February 9, 2022, providing gamers with an in-game mail containing the rewards.

New daily login events in Genshin Impact 2.4

1) May Fortune Find You

The first daily login event for Genshin Impact 2.4 is 'May Fortune Find You'. It will start on January 25, 2022, at 4.00 am (Server Time). Users must reach Adventure Rank 5 or above to be eligible to participate.

During the event timeline, gamers must log in for seven days in total to receive all the rewards.

Day 1Intertwined Fate ×1
Day 2Mora ×80,000
Day 3Intertwined Fate ×2
Day 4Mystic Enhancement Ore ×18
Day 5Intertwined Fate ×2
Day 6Hero's Wit ×8
Day 7Intertwined Fate ×5

A total of 10 Intertwined Fates can be obtained by logging in to Genshin Impact for seven days. Remember that the event will be available for two weeks, and players can still receive all the rewards even if they skipped a day or two.

2) Flowing Lights and Colors

The second daily login event for Genshin Impact 2.4 is 'Flowing Lights and Colors'. It will last from February 9, 2022, at 00.00 (UTC+8) until the end of version 2.4. The rewards users will receive are:

February 9Intertwined Fate x1, Golden Crab x5, Sanctifying Unction x6
February 10Fragile Resin x1, Tianshu Meat x5, Hero's Wit x5
February 11 Intertwined Fate x1, Guide to Diligence x3, Mystic Enhancement Ores x10
February 12 Fragile Resin x1, Guide to Gold x3, Mora x50,000
February 13Intertwined Fate x1, Guide to Prosperity x3, Sanctifying Unction x6

Although only 3 Intertwined Fates can be obtained from this event, F2P players will still be grateful for the free pulls.

Genshin Impact gamers at Adventure Rank 2 or above will automatically receive these rewards in their in-game mail. Furthermore, these mails will stay and can be collected until the end of the event, which is the last day of version 2.4.

Combining these two daily login events, players will receive a total of 13 Intertwined Fates in Genshin Impact. The said Fates can only be used in the Event Wish banner.

Readers must note that both events start only after the end of the Shenhe and Xiao banner, making it impossible for users to spend the free Fates on them. On the bright side, they can still use the Fates for Ganyu or Zhongli, the best DPS and shield in Genshin Impact.

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