Genshin Impact banners: How many Primogems will be required to unlock Ayaka?

A fanmade version of Ayaka's wish art (image via u/blackheart612-)
A fanmade version of Ayaka's wish art (image via u/blackheart612-)

Genshin Impact will soon feature its newest upcoming banner and players will finally be able to wish for Ayaka, one of the most awaited characters in Genshin Impact.

Fans have been waiting to wish for this 5-star Cryo sword character since Genshin Impact's beta, as she made her first appearance back during these tests.

Many have been amazed by her unique swordsmanship and powerful Elemental Burst, and now her banner will finally be available for players to wish on later this month. Players can learn how many Primogems they will need for Ayaka here.

Genshin Impact banners: How many Primogems for Ayaka

Ayaka's banner will be launching soon in Genshin Impact as it is expected to be released alongside the introduction of Inazuma on July 21st. Players will not only be able to explore the newest region in Genshin Impact, but also wish on the long awaited member of the Kamisato House, Ayaka.

This 5-star Cryo sword user is a powerful addition to any player's lineup but they will need enough Primogems to secure their Ayaka.

In Genshin Impact, players are guaranteed a 5-star after 90 wishes, meaning that players would need 14400 Primogems to guarantee they will get a 5-star. However, Genshin Impact also has a soft-pity mechanic that kicks in around the 75-80 range, meaning players are likely to get a 5-star character at around 12000 Primogems.

All of this means that for this upcoming banner they should definitely have around enough Primogems if they plan on wishing for Ayaka.

Also read: Genshin Impact 2.0 update: Voice actors of Ayaka, Sayu, and Yoimiya revealed

Genshin Impact banners: 50/50 Pity


Genshin Impact's 50/50 Pity system should also be taken into account, as whenever a player gets a featured 5-star character, their account is placed into a 50/50 pity.

During this state, players have a 50% chance for their next 5-star to be a featured character, and a 50% chance for it to be any of the standard banner 5-star characters.

If players are unlucky and get a standard banner character, they will need to build up their wishes and Primogems over again, but luckily their next 5-star will be guaranteed to be a featured character.

This means that to 100% get Ayaka from this upcoming banner without a guaranteed bonus, players will need 28800 Primogems.

Also read: Genshin Impact 2.0 update: Voice actors of Baal, Sara, Yae and Yoimiya revealed

Genshin Impact 2.0 will be released very soon and players will be able to wish on Ayaka's banner in only a few days. Players should definitely make sure to conserve their Primogems if they want to wish for Ayaka.

Also read: Genshin Impact 2.0 leaks: Ayaka, Yoimiya and Sayu's name cards and special dishes revealed