Genshin Impact leaker shares Scaramouche's Elemental Burst ability

Scaramouche's Elemental Burst may have been leaked (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact leaks have revealed new information about Scaramouche's kit, including details about his Elemental Burst. Scaramouche may have one of the most unique Elemental Bursts in the game, allowing him to toggle on his burst infinitely, provided he has enough Energy.

According to the leaks, Scaramouche may have the ability to shred his enemies with a barrage of Anemo blades, dealing tons of damage to his foes. As his release approaches, fans planning to summon Scaramouche will want to keep an eye on their Primogems.

Note: These leaks are unconfirmed and should be taken with a grain of salt.

Genshin Impact leaks: Scaramouche's Elemental Burst possibly leaked

New Genshin Impact leaks have provided players with new information about Scaramouche's possible kit. These leaks focus on his Elemental Burst, giving players new information about what Scaramouche can provide to his team with his most potent ability.

However, these leaks are rather contentious in the leaking community, with some leakers stating that they are false.

The first set of leaks state that Scaramouche has an Elemental Burst with a unique toggle mechanic. This means that his burst can remain active at all times, provided that players have enough Energy to maintain it.

The leak states that during activation, Scaramouche's burst will cause him to summon Anemo blades that will continuously slash at enemies, dealing heavy damage and draining his Energy. Once his Energy is fully drained, his burst will end, but it won't go on cooldown. Instead, Scaramouche will be able to cast it as soon as he has more Energy.

This leak does line up with earlier revelations that pegged Scaramouche as an Anemo character. While it hasn't yet been revealed if he will be a DPS-focused 5-star or a support-focused one, Scaramouche will likely lean more towards DPS.

If the leaked Elemental Burst is accurate, it will likely deal heavy base damage, as it won't provide him with many opportunities to generate Elemental Reactions unless it remains while he is off-field.

However, a prominent leaker in the Genshin Impact community has stated that they do not feel that this leak is accurate. Based on their information, Scaramouche's Elemental Burst will not work as the previous leak stated.

While the leaker is dismissing the character's latest leak, they have not provided any further information about what his possible Elemental Burst could be. Given that this leaker has a track record of being accurate, players may want to believe their word over newer leakers without a proven history.

Unfortunately, this leaves fans without any further information about Scaramouche's kit. It's also unlikely that substantial leaks will be released for some time, given that his release is so far away.


Genshin Impact 3.1 should give players a better idea of what Scaramouche may bring to the table, considering that he will play a significant role in the new update's story. Fans will want to keep an eye out and see if they can find any information that points towards his upcoming Elemental Burst while playing.