Genshin Impact leaks reveal Itto rerun and next weapons banner for May 2022

Arataki Itto will return before Yelan's banner as per Genshin Impact leaks (Image via Sportskeeda)
Arataki Itto will return before Yelan's banner as per Genshin Impact leaks (Image via Sportskeeda)

Ahead of Sumeru's release in version 3.0, Genshin Impact will bring back all the characters from Inazuma. While Raiden Shogun, Kokomi, and Ayaka have already received their rerun banners, Arataki Itto, Kazuha, and Yoimiya are yet to be featured in the rerun banners.

The second phase of the 2.6 update has begun, and there are rumors about a delay in the 2.7 update's release. The developers are working from home amidst the lockdown in Shanghai, which is why they might have to extend the ongoing update.

Genshin Impact might rerun Itto without Redhorn Stonethresher

Leakers on the r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks subreddit have suggested that players might witness Itto's rerun banner following Ayaka. However, they should not expect the Redhorn Stonethresher Claymore in the weapon banner.

Instead, HoYoverse might plan to release the Memory of Dust Catalyst and the Summit Shaper Sword in the next Epitome Invocation banner.

Readers may have noticed that the latest leaks contradict previous claims about Yelan arriving in the first phase of the 2.7 update. This is because there's a possibility that the 2.6 update will include three stages, and the 2.7 update will only have one phase.

When will Itto's rerun banner arrive in Genshin Impact

Due to the COVID situation in Shanghai, the timely release of Genshin Impact version 2.7 is uncertain. If the 2.6 update is extended and the 2.7 update is shortened, gamers can look forward to the following banners in May 2022:

  • Itto rerun with Memory of Dust and Summit Shaper in 2.6 phase 3
  • Yelan with Aqua Simulacra (Yelan's signature bow) in 2.7 (only one stage)

Phase 3 for version 2.6 could begin on May 11, and the 2.7 update might be delayed to June 1.

However, the developers haven't talked about any delays so far. In fact, they recently scrapped the changes made to the Battle Pass progression system in the 2.7 beta.

They reduced the EXP amount to reach a new level from 1000 to 600, and Travelers assumed this was to incorporate the Battle Pass in a shortened update (3 weeks). Now that the amount is back to 1000, it is safe to say that the development process is back on track.


Note: The information mentioned above is purely based on leaks and speculations. Accordingly, readers must take it with a grain of salt.

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