Genshin Impact Nilou builds with best artifacts, weapons, and team comps

She's finally playable (Image via HoYoverse)

Nilou recently came out in Genshin Impact, and some new players might wish to build her. If you don't know where to start, then allow this guide to serve as a basic introduction. There are a bunch of different ways to build her, which will ultimately be based on the player's:

  • Swords
  • Artifacts
  • Teammates

F2P players and whales will have drastically different resources. Likewise, a new player won't have much at their disposal compared to somebody who has been playing for several years. Hence, it's vital to have a guide that addresses all of that.

This article will start with Nilou's ideal weapons, before moving on to artifacts and finally addressing good team comps.

Note: Whales are players who spend a lot of money in games.

Best Nilou builds in Genshin Impact (weapons, artifacts, and team comps)


Key of Khaj-Nisut is her best Sword in Genshin Impact (Image via HoYoverse)
Key of Khaj-Nisut is her best Sword in Genshin Impact (Image via HoYoverse)

Here is a list of good weapons for Nilou in Genshin Impact 3.1 and beyond:

  • Key of Khaj-Nisut
  • Primordial Jade Cutter
  • Freedom-Sworn
  • Xiphos' Moonlight
  • Iron Sting
  • Sacrificial Sword

The first three Swords are of the 5-star rarity, whereas the last three shown here are 4-stars. Generally speaking, the 5-star weapons are better for maximizing her DPS but remain much harder to acquire.

Hence, beginners and F2P players will be more comfortable getting Xiphos' Moonlight, Iron Sting, or Sacrificial Sword. It's vital to mention here that Iron Sting is craftable, so it's much easier to R5 than relying on Genshin Impact's gacha system.

Note: Generally speaking, Swords that boost Elemental Mastery are good for her.


Gilded Dreams is the only recommended 4-piece set (Image via HoYoverse)
Gilded Dreams is the only recommended 4-piece set (Image via HoYoverse)

Generally speaking, Nilou mains should go for HP% main stats on her artifacts with as many Elemental Mastery substats as possible. As for her artifact sets, here is a good list to consider:

  • 2-piece Wanderer's Troupe (or Gilded Dreams) + 2-piece Tenacity of the Millileth
  • 2-piece Wanderer's Troupe (or Gilded Dreams) + 2-piece Heart of Depth
  • 4-piece Gilded Dreams

Wanderer's Troupe is extremely easy to farm in Genshin Impact, so most players should be able to get one with good stats on it. The remaining three artifacts discussed here are all available in specific Domains, which are:

  • Tenacity of the Millelith: Ridge Watch
  • Heart of Depth: Peak of Vindagnyr
  • Gilded Dreams: Spire of Solitary Enlightenment

Wanderer's Troupe is obtainable by defeating both Normal and Weekly Bosses.

Team comps

An example of a good team (Image via HoYoverse)
An example of a good team (Image via HoYoverse)

Nilou has a very interesting passive that essentially necessitates that players use her on teams that only have Hydro and Dendro characters. As a result, her ideal team comps will be rather limited. Examples of good sides include:

  • Yelan, Kokomi, Dendro Traveler
  • Kokomi, Dendro Traveler, Collei
  • Barbara, Dendro Traveler, Collei
  • Xingqiu, Barbara, Dendro Traveler
  • Barbara, Collei, Tighnari

Including Kokomi or Barbara in these teams is highly recommended since Bloom reactions can cause serious damage to the active characters. It is also worth mentioning that Nilou is usable in team comps outside the Hydro and Dendro-only teams, but that means the player will forego her Court of Dancing Petals Passive entirely.

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