Genshin Impact player sets global record for highest damage

Genshin Impact player sets world record for highest DMG ever.
Genshin Impact player sets world record for highest DMG ever.

Famous Genshin Impact player and content creator Tony To has broken his previous world record of greatest damage by recording DMG of 1536793 (1.53 million) in Genshin Impact. The greatest damage dealt with a single hit was considered for this record and not the damage dealt over time.

Highest DMG of 1.53 million in Genshin Impact

To used the party - Mona, Sucrose, Bennet, and Klee to set the world record in Floor 7 of Spiral abyss in Genshin Impact. Floor 7 of spiral abyss provides an additional 120% CRIT DMG to all the party members, resulting in a huge increase of CRIT hits.

To used Klee (Pyro) and Bennet (Pyro) to gain an additional 25% increase in ATK for all the party members via pyro resonance. Klee being a catalyst user, carries the 3-star R5 weapon "Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers," which provides a 48% ATK bonus to the character taking the field after Klee.

Klee's elemental skill decreases the enemy's DEF by 23% when they contact mines spread by "Jumpy Dumpty" (C2 Talent).

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Bennet being a supporting character that provides ATK buff to party members via his elemental burst "Fantastic Voyage," contributes additional ATK to Mona. Being the elemental mastery specialist, Sucrose contributes elemental mastery to all the party members and decreases the enemy's resistance to Hydro DMG with Hydro X Anemo swirl reaction.

The following video by To shows the current world record for highest DMG per hit in Genshin Impact in action:


These combined buffs and debuffs against all the party members' enemies provide an exponential increase in DMG to Mona's overpowered elemental burst "Stellaris Phantasm" to reach the 7-digit DMG count.

The final addition to the DMG comes in the form of the elemental reaction "Vaporize." This is formed when the pyro and hydro elements come in contact with each other. Via this reaction, the final damage output is increased by 100%, making the damage count twice of original.

Although the process sounds easily doable, players need sheer commitment, timing, and knowledge of the damage meta in Genshin Impact to achieve those numbers.

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To has also revealed his build for Mona that makes the world record possible. Following are the main stats, CRIT stats, constellations, and artifact bonuses on Mona.

Main stats of Mona
Main stats of Mona
C6 Constellations of Mona
C6 Constellations of Mona
Mona: CRIT RATE, CRIT DMG, and Elemental mastery stats
Mona: CRIT RATE, CRIT DMG, and Elemental mastery stats
Mona: Artifact sets and Bonuses
Mona: Artifact sets and Bonuses

In the race of highest DMG output, characters like Mona and Childe will always be the leaders due to their capability of triggering elemental reaction "Vaporize." Still, it's nevertheless the efforts from a player that utilizes them properly.

A player with immense knowledge will surely make the best use of the characters. For that, To deserves praise for setting the world record for the highest DMG in Genshin Impact.

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