Genshin Impact reveals Xiao's signature artifact set 'Vermillion Hereafter'

Xiao and Vermillion Hereafter (Image via Genshin Impact)
Xiao and Vermillion Hereafter (Image via Genshin Impact)

An official announcement by Genshin Impact was recently released on social media to introduce one of the new artifacts set: Vermillion Hereafter. The community is ecstatic to find the new set extremely valuable for the best Anemo DPS Xiao.

When a character's health is depleted during an Elemental Burst, the bonus effects of the artifact set are designed to increase the character's attacks. Other than Xiao, no other character can continuously lose health during an Elemental Burst.

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Vermillion Hereafter artifact set for Genshin Impact's Xiao

The new Genshin Impact domain, 'The Lost Valley,' in The Chasm will drop the new Vermillion Hereafter artifacts. However, note that the location of this domain and the list of enemies inside it is currently confidential, and players can only know after the version 2.6 update on March 30.

Based on the official announcement, here is the set bonus for the new Vermillion Hereafter artifact:

  • 2-Piece Set: ATK +18%
  • 4-Piece Set: After using an Elemental Burst, the character will gain the Nascent Light effect, which will increase their ATK by 8% for 16 seconds. When the character's health decreases, their ATK will further increase by 10%. This effect can occur a maximum of 4 times every 0.8 seconds. The Nascent Light stacks will be removed when the character leaves the field. Then, if an Elemental Burst is used again during the duration of Nascent Light, the original Nascent Light will be dispelled.

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Based on the description above, when a character's health is depleted during Elemental Burst, their ATK will increase by 10%. With a maximum of four stacks, this effect can happen every 0.8 seconds. In total, if characters lose enough HP during their burst, they can gain a total of 66% ATK.

Genshin Impact players have voiced their opinion in stating that this artifact is the best and only suitable for Xiao. Once using Elemental Burst, Xiao will lose his HP regularly every time he makes a Plunging Attack. This allows him to stack the Nascent Light easily and increases his damage output.

Although the Vermillion Hereafter set is the best for Xiao, the said Yaksha is an old character. Most players would have probably completely built Xiao with other artifact sets such as a 2-piece Viridescent and 2-piece Gladiator. Of course, those who like pure ATK percentages may want to give it a try.

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The Vermillion Hereafter set is recommended for Genshin Impact players who are still building Xiao or are unhappy with his current damage. However, note that this set may not be useful for other characters as the risk of losing HP to enemies during Elemental Burst duration is not recommended.

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