Genshin Impact: Zhongli's ascension materials and talent level-up resources listed

Zhongli's ascension materials in Genshin Impact (image via Genshin Impact)
Zhongli's ascension materials in Genshin Impact (image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact players have started farming ascension materials for Zhongli, as his character banner will rerun in the soon-to-come 1.5 patch.

Although the new, upcoming character, Eula, is getting a lot of attention, many players who didn’t get Zhongli in his banner’s first run are very excited to wish for him this time around. Liyue’s archon is one of the best Geo characters in the game, as he makes for a great support DPS character, even at constellation zero.

Also read: Genshin Impact 1.5 leaks: Eula's elemental burst and normal attack buff show massive damage multipliers

Genshin Impact Zhongli ascension materials

Much of the excitement for Zhongli’s return is due to the post-release buffs that miHoYo added to his character. One of Zhongli’s noteworthy buffs was the addition of HP-scaled ATK bonuses, which has made Zhongli a great DPS-tank option.

Moreover, the “Tenacity of the Milelith” artifact set coming to the game seems like it will be perfect for Zhongli now that he’s been buffed. The artifacts are predicted to increase the character’s HP with a two-piece set, and with a four-piece set, it should boost party shield strength and ATK after connecting with an Elemental Skill.

As always, it helps to have ascension materials saved up when building a character. Players who aim to obtain Zhongli may need to know about the necessary materials required to ascend him to phase six. For those players, this article lists all the ascension materials for Zhongli in Genshin Impact.

Also read: How to make custom tier lists for the latest characters in Genshin Impact

#1 - Prithiva Topaz stones

Prithiva Topaz Chunk for Zhongli's ascension (image via Genshin Impact)
Prithiva Topaz Chunk for Zhongli's ascension (image via Genshin Impact)

Prithiva Topaz, like other ascension stones, comes in four variations. To fully ascend Zhongli, players need a total of the following Topaz stones:

  • 1 X Prithiva Topaz Sliver
  • 9 X Prithiva Topaz Fragment
  • 9 X Prithiva Topaz Chunk
  • 6 X Prithiva Topaz Gemstone

#2 - Basalt Pillar

Basalt Pillar for Zhongli's ascension (image via Genshin Impact)
Basalt Pillar for Zhongli's ascension (image via Genshin Impact)

Players can only obtain Basalt Pillars from the Geo Hypostasis, an elite boss in Guyun Stone Forest whose rewards cost 40 resin. 46 Basalt Pillars are needed in total to carry Zhongli to the max ascension level.

#3 - Cor Lapis

Cor Lapis for Zhongli's ascension (image via Genshin Impact)
Cor Lapis for Zhongli's ascension (image via Genshin Impact)

Cor Lapis is a mineral that players can mine, and it is an item found only in Liyue. Players need 168 Cor Lapis to fully ascend Zhongli.

Players who need to farm for more Cor Lapis can find it in most parts of Liyue, often under cliffs and mountains. Mt. Hulao is a solid area to explore for a good handful of the mineral.

#4 - Slime drops

Slime Secretions for Zhongli's ascension (image via Genshin Impact)
Slime Secretions for Zhongli's ascension (image via Genshin Impact)

Slimes can drop three different materials depending on their level. Like with many other enemy drops, players can also craft the rarer variations of them using the more common ones. The Slime materials needed for Zhongli’s ascension are:

  • 18 X Slime Condensate
  • 30 X Slime Secretions
  • 36 X Slime Concentrate

#5 - Mora

For character ascension alone, Zhongli, like others, requires 420 thousand Mora. Of course, because leveling up will also cost Mora, and other parts of the character-building process will as well, players should try to save up much more than half a million Mora if possible.

Zhongli’s talent level up resources

Teachings of Gold for Zhongli's talents (image via Genshin Impact)
Teachings of Gold for Zhongli's talents (image via Genshin Impact)

Zhongli’s Elemental Skill and Burst abilities provide great supporting effects for the rest of the party. However, players will need to gather some familiar talent books before his abilities become extraordinarily powerful.

The following are the “Gold” talent books that Zhongli needs, all of which can be found on certain days in Taishan Mansion.

  • 9 X Teachings of Gold
  • 63 X Guide to Gold
  • 114 X Philosophies of Gold

Players will also need to focus on the Childe weekly boss to level up Zhongli’s talents, as the Tusk of Monoceros Caeli is required for higher levels.

And as always, players will need a Crown of Insight to reach the maximum level on any given Zhongli talent.

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