Guide to Heimerdinger support in League of Legends pre-season 2023

A brief guide to Heimerdinger support for pre-season 2023 (Image via Riot Games)
A brief guide to Heimerdinger support for pre-season 2023 (Image via Riot Games)

Heimerdinger is a Support Champion that has become quite popular in League of Legends' pre-season 2023. The champion was chosen a few times during Worlds 2022, which skyrocketed its pickrate in the current meta.

Nevertheless, Heimerdinger is a strong and extremely annoying champion to play against. Fortunately, Heimerdinger is not very difficult to learn, and his builds are fairly simple, making him one of the best champions to rank up.

This article will provide a brief guide to playing Heimerdinger as a support, so that players can learn the champion and dominate in the role in pre-season 2023.

Runes, item build, and gameplay guide for Heimerdinger support in League of Legends pre-season 2023

Heimerdinger becoming popular as a support in League of Legends was not something that many players might have expected to see. Nevertheless, it's not difficult to see why.

He's a 'poke' champion who's capable of dealing heavy amounts of magic damage. Besides that, he's extremely annoying to play against in any lane. Champions without a lot of range like Aphelios, Jinx, and others will struggle to lane against him.


Although Heimerdinger's quite vulnerable when he's online, he's definitely a strong counter to mid-to-low-range ADCs. Champions that lack mobility are also weak against him. Once professional players started picking this champion, the community seemed to have realized his true potential.

We'll now move on to the rune path for Heimerdinger.

Rune Path

Rune Path for Heimerdinger Support (Image via League of Legends)
Rune Path for Heimerdinger Support (Image via League of Legends)

Primary Rune (Sorcery): Arcane Comet, Manaflow Band, Absolute Focus, Scorch

Secondary Rune (Inspiration): Biscuit Delivery, Cosmic Insight

Clearly, all of his runes are aimed at enhancing his poke damage. Arcane Comet helps significantly in that regard, while Scorch and Manaflow Band help to enhance his scaling.

Biscuit Delivery is quite good for lane sustainability, while Cosmic Insight allows Heimerdinger to spam his abilities on account of the ability haste.

Item build


The best item build for Heimerdinger support in League of Legends pre-season 2023 is as follows:

  • Liandry's Anguish
  • Demonic Embrace
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter
  • Zhonya's Hourglass
  • Sorcerer's Shoes

Amongst these, Liandry's Anguish and Demonic Embrace are absolutely necessary for the champion, as these are his primary sources of damage. Zhonya's Hourglass will help to keep him alive, as he's squishy and has no escape abilities.

Lastly, Sorcery's Shoes will provide him with damage penetration. Interested players can also build Void Staff or Rabadon's Deathcap along with the ones mentioned above. However, since it's often difficult to find farm as a support, these items have not been included on this list.

Gameplay guide

Heimerdinger may be a very powerful support, but positioning is something that every League of Legends player should be aware of when playing as squishy champions. He's particularly vulnerable against champions who can dive, such as Yasuo, Irelia, and Samira.

Hence, in the early stages of the game, staying under the tower and helping your ADC from a distance is the best possible course of action. When it comes to leveling up skills, his W ability is the most important option and will need to be maxed out.

Players can still put one point each on Q and E, but they should not be prioritized. As always, the R ability should be leveled up whenever possible.

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