Guide to playing midlane Vex in League of Legends season 13: Build, rune path, and more

A brief guide to midlane Vex in League of Legends season 13 (Image via Riot Games)
A brief guide to midlane Vex in League of Legends season 13 (Image via Riot Games)

Vex is one of the most powerful midlane champions to play in League of Legends' solo-queue meta. She can deal a lot of burst damage and has the ability to take over a game single-handedly. Her kit is very simple, so even newer players can pick her up and start dominating after only a few practice games.

This brief guide explains how players can efficiently use Vex in League of Legends season 13. It includes the gameplay aspects of Vex, as well as her rune path and item build.

How to efficiently play Vex in League of Legends season 13

Vex is one of the strongest midlane mages in League of Legends. She has long-range attacks, a protective shield, and the ability to deal a lot of burst damage.

However, what makes Vex so good is her ability to disrupt champions that have a lot of mobility. Her passive skill boasts a fear ability that pushes enemies back, and if timed properly, all dash-based champions will get interrupted mid-way. This ability allows her to not just dominate the lane but also become a menace in teamfights.

Apart from that, Vex also has a really long-range ultimate, which resets whenever she scores a kill. This means that as long as enemies are dying, she can continuously use it in teamfights.


Apart from that, Vex's passive ability also empowers her periodically, which can help her deal bonus damage to enemies.

It is important to note that while Vex is strong, she is heavily reliant on getting early leads and landing her skills. If players fail to land her ultimate, Vex becomes useless in a fight as a major portion of her damage disappears.

Rune path for Vex in League of Legends

Vex Rune Path (Image via Riot Games)
Vex Rune Path (Image via Riot Games)

Primary Rune (Domination): Electrocute, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter

Secondary Rune (Sorcery): Manaflow Band, Transcendence

Item build for Vex in League of Legends


The item build that players should use on Vex in League of Legends is as follows:

  • Luden's Temprest
  • Shadowflame
  • Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Void Staff
  • Zhonya's Hourglass
  • Sorcerer's Shoes

Vex has a pretty stock standard build that works for almost every other mage in the game. Luden's Tempest and Shadowflame are big power spikes for her. As for Rabadon's Deathcap, players can also build it at fourth if they feel Void Staff is a better third-choice item.

Ability Priority


Vex primarily harasses her opponents in the lane and slowly chips down their health before finishing them off with her ultimate. However, she is quite squishy and requires her W ability to survive ganks.

Hence, players should start with her E but max her Q and W first. As always, maxing out the R ability is recommended whenever possible.

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