Gyroid fragments in Animal Crossing: New Horizons - How to get, how to use, and more

Gyroid fragments can be planted and will become a full Gyroid (Image via Nintendo)
Gyroid fragments can be planted and will become a full Gyroid (Image via Nintendo)

The Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2.0 update added a ton of features that the latest entry in the franchise had been strangely missing. Villagers like Kapp'n, Tortimer, and Brewster were not in the expansive villager roster, and places like the Roost weren't a part of players' lives at all. Gyroids were another item unavailable in the game, but that's since been remedied.

Gyroids have been a longtime staple of the Animal Crossing franchise and the devs have finally added them back. The main method of obtaining them involves digging up and collecting gyroid fragments. Here's how to do that, how many are necessary, and more.

Complete guide to Gyroid fragments in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Gyroids have always come in fragments. Most of the Gyroids were completed using the various fragments that players uncover, which has remained the same in New Horizons.

Fortunately, Gyroids don't require several fragments to complete. In fact, they only require one fragment to become a whole, eventually. Players can find Gyroid fragments in a few places in Animal Crossing.

Primarily, they can be dug up on players' islands. After heavy rain or snow on the island, there's a chance a full Gyroid can be dug up, but that's still pretty rare. Additionally, players can find fragments on mystery islands. They'll have to be dug up at the "X".

After they've found Gyroid fragments, Animal Crossing players can return to their island (or find a better spot on it) and plant these fragments. After one day, players can dig them up and they will be grown into full Gyroids.

Full Gyroids can be dug up, but that's usually after the fragment was planted (Image via Nintendo)
Full Gyroids can be dug up, but that's usually after the fragment was planted (Image via Nintendo)

Each fragment applies to a certain type of Gyroid. The following are all the available types in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

  • Aluminoid
  • Arfoid
  • Babbloid
  • Bendoid
  • Bloopoid
  • Boioingoid
  • Boomoid
  • Brewstoid
  • Bubbloid
  • Bwongoid
  • Clatteroid
  • Crumploid
  • Dootoid
  • Drummoid
  • Flutteroid
  • Jingloid
  • Laseroid
  • Oinkoid
  • Petaloid
  • Rattloid
  • Ringoid
  • Rumbloid
  • Scatteroid
  • Spikenoid
  • Sproingoid
  • Squeakoid
  • Squeezoid
  • Stelloid
  • Thwopoid
  • Tockoid
  • Tremoloid
  • Twangoid
  • Wallopoid
  • Whirroid
  • Whistloid
  • Xylophoid

A few of these, like Brewstoid, are unlocked through special activities and not grown or dug up.