Halo Infinite multiplayer weapon tier list

The best and worst weapon in Halo Infinite (Image via Halo Infinite)
The best and worst weapon in Halo Infinite (Image via Halo Infinite)

Halo Infinite is one of the best games to play when it comes to competitive multiplayer shooters in the current market.

Therefore, gathering knowledge about the best weapons is crucial when it comes to achieving victory. Halo Infinite provides a wide variety of weapons for players to choose from, in order to gun down their opponents on the field.

However, it is important to realize that Halo Infinite is an arena shooter. Therefore, everyone starts with the same weapon. The rest of the weapons need to be picked up from different locations on the map.

This article will provide a short guide regarding the best and the worst weapons in Halo Infinite through a ranking system.

A comprehensive tier list for every weapon in Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite is currently one of the most popular shooters in the market. This is not just because of the massive brand value that the franchise carries, but also because it's free-to-play. Therefore, it is accessible to anyone as long as they have a device to play on.

In Halo Infinite, every player starts with the same weapon, namely the MA40 AR. This is something that helps remove any form of advantage that players might have if they start with weapons that are overpowered.

However, once the game starts, the rest of the weapons spawn in various pick-up locations across the map. Players can pick up the weapon they prefer from that location. Obviously, the locations are highly contested and therefore it's recommended to memorize the spawn areas of the various weapons.

There are some weapons that are absolutely god-tier, while others are okay at best. The following tier-list will cover every weapon from the best to the worst, so players can have some guidance on which ones to pick.

The ranking list will have five tiers, where S denotes the absolute best, and D denotes the worst of the bunch.

Weapon tier-list in Halo Infinite

S tier: Sniper Rifle, M41 SNPKr Rocket Launcher, Skewer, BR75 Battle Rifle

A tier: Gravity Hammer, Energy Sword, Hydra, Cindershot

B tier: Sentinel Beam, VK78 Commando, Needler, MK50 Sidekick Pistol

C tier: Shock Rifle, CQS48 Bulldog, MA40 AR, Stalker Rifle, Ravager

D tier: Mangler, Disruptor, Pulse Carbine, Plasma Pistol

This tier list is primarily developed based on the ease of usage and how efficient the weapon is in finishing off enemies. This does not mean that the list is the ultimate guide, as it is even possible that a player might find a weapon from the B tier to be better than a weapon in the S tier.

A weapon is as good as a player, and even the worst weapons can look outright godly in the hands of an expert.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal opinion.