5 hardest final bosses in video games

Boss fight in Dark Souls 3 (via FromSoftware Inc.)
A boss fight in Dark Souls 3 (Image via FromSoftware Inc.)

Final boss fights are among the most sought-after aspects of almost any video game. These encounters are crafted to provide players with the opportunity to put their abilities to the test. A final boss fight is often the last test of a player’s skills and perseverance in a title. Those who enjoy tough in-game adversaries will love the final bosses listed in this article.

Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer

Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2 and other challenging final boss fights in video games

1) Absolute Radiance in Hollow Knight


Many players have claimed that the titular Hollow Knight is the toughest boss in the game. In reality, even though Hollow Knight is strong, he pales in comparison to the title’s secret final boss, the Radiance.

Hollow Knight pits players against seven additional bosses, including an enhanced version of the Radiance. The aptly named Absolute Radiance has similar powers to the normal version, but he’s much faster and has a significantly more challenging final form.

2) The Nameless King in Dark Souls III


The Nameless King of Dark Souls III is undoubtedly one of the hardest final bosses in the entire Dark Souls series. It is the final boss in the Archdragon Peak area of the game.

Players need to have a thorough comprehension of Dark Souls III’s mechanics to even properly deal with The Nameless King. This boss is so destructive that the developers at FromSoftware decided to make him an optional encounter. It’s safe to say that very few people would succeed in defeating him.

3) Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2


No one would expect a challenging boss from a title that features the likes of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. However, it makes sense, given that Disney is only half responsible for Kingdom Hearts.

The version of Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2 is, in some ways, more powerful than the one players saw in Final Fantasy VII. Sephiroth comes with an arsenal of attacks that inflict critical damage on players, and his ability to rapidly heal himself upon taking heavy damage makes him an even more daunting adversary.

4) Alma in Ninja Gaiden (2004)


In the early 2000s, video games were on a rapid decline in terms of levels of difficulty. However, there were some titles that were putting in a lot of effort to give players a real challenge when it came to boss fights. Ninja Gaiden happened to be one of those games.

Out of all the bosses in Ninja Gaiden, players seemed to have the most trouble with the final boss, Alma. This encounter has a strong resemblance to boss fights in Dark Souls.

Alma intimidates players with her appearance and the way she moves with her range of attacks, making it a mammoth task for them to defeat her. There is absolutely zero room for error in this boss fight, and the only way to win it is with well-timed dodges and counterattacks.

5) Sans in Undertale


Undertale's Sans happens to be one of the hardest video game bosses ever, and players trying to engage him will have to be prepared for one massive duel.

The encounter with Sans is divided into two phases. The first phase is fairly easy, as it mainly involves trying not to get hit. The second phase is even more intimidating, as players are required to both memorize patterns and dodge crazy fast attacks from Sans’ Gaster Blasters.

Final boss fights are always the hardest segments of any video game. The persistence, patience, and skills of a player are surely going to be put to the test in the encounters listed above.

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