Hasanabi loses his mind watching a live-action clip of Cowboy Bebop

Hasanabi can't keep it straight after watching clips of Netflix's Cowboy Bebop live-action (Image via Hasanabi on Twitch)
Hasanabi can't keep it straight after watching clips of Netflix's Cowboy Bebop live-action (Image via Hasanabi on Twitch)

Hasanabi recently streamed clips from Netflix's Cowboy Bebop live-action adaptation with his friends Will Neff and AustinShow, and the result could not have been more entertaining.

Hasanabi, Will Neff, and AustinShow reacted to the latest Netflix show (Image via Hasanabi on Twitch)
Hasanabi, Will Neff, and AustinShow reacted to the latest Netflix show (Image via Hasanabi on Twitch)

The three streamers could not control their reactions to all the crude jokes being cracked on the Netflix show, which has amassed a 47/100 rating on Metacritic.

Hasanabi could not stop cringing at the live-action clips of Cowboy Bebop

During a recent livestream, Hasanabi decided to try out certain clips of Cowboy Bebop, a show which is well known for its bizarre jokes. In the clip that Piker chose, the character on screen could be seen speaking to Jet Black, cracking an extremely crude joke about his appearance.

The joke left the streamers crying out in disbelief, cringing at how inappropriate it was.

"It’s so bad. It’s so bad."

Will Neff had the most descriptive reaction to the clip, suggesting that he felt like the Pepe emote where the character crumbles down.

"What’s the Pepe emote where he’s crying and crumbling, and there’s sadness setting in. That’s how I feel."

Watching the clips led to a discussion between the three streamers about how they might belong to a generation that invariably ends up butchering classics. Hasanabi had a rather detailed explanation for this observation, basically suggesting that remakes basically rely on the success of previous shows, but end up ruining the good things about them in the process.

"We’re just banking on nostalgia. Everything that we make, we have to rely on prior IP that was already successful, and we’re just slowly but surely eroding every single little thing that was good about the prior IP. And it’s just always going to be remake after remake. That’s slowly but surely degenerating, worse and worse, year over year. Until, you know, you just have this in front of your eyes."

Based on the streamers' reaction to the clip they saw of the show, it is safe to assume they will not be finishing the series anytime soon.

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