Hogwarts Legacy is the most watched PlayStation game trailer, crosses Marvel's Spider-Man

Hogwarts Legacy official reveal trailer cross 30m (Image via Avalanche and Insomniac Games)
Hogwarts Legacy official reveal trailer crosses 30 million views on YouTube (Image via Avalanche and Insomniac Games)

It's been nearly two years since Hogwarts Legacy was revealed to the world by WB Games Avalanche. Although players saw a gameplay leak two years before that, the official announcement was a source of massive excitement for fans.

A properly fleshed-out RPG set in the wizarding world is a long-cherished dream for Potterheads, which they believe has finally come true with Hogwarts Legacy.


Since then, a number of things have occurred, both in the real world and for Hogwarts Legacy. While a raging pandemic ravaged the former, the latter has been embroiled in one controversy after another. The Avalanche Software-developed title has also seen multiple delays, with the latest one pushing its release to 2023.

Yet, the hype and excitement surrounding the title have been sustained through all this turmoil. It turns out that the reveal trailer has cemented itself as the most-watched video game trailer on PlayStation's YouTube channel, for now, piping Marvel's Spider-Man.

Hogwarts Legacy's official reveal trailer crosses the 30 million view mark

The official reveal trailer for WB Games Avalanche's upcoming wizarding RPG has crossed the 30 million view mark and currently sits at 30,185,253 views. This is approximately 1 million more than Marvel's Spider-Man - E3 2016 Trailer and 5 million more than Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - PlayStation Showcase 2021.


God of War - Be A Warrior: PS4 Gameplay Trailer is a distant fourth in the most popular video game trailer rankings on PlayStation's YouTube channel. While all videos are being considered, Hogwarts Legacy's official reveal trailer is third in the list, behind the PlayStation 4 trailer and the PS5 PS5 Hardware Reveal Trailer. That is some high praise in itself.

The steady increase in the view count of this video showcases the love and excitement that players hold for the title. As mentioned earlier, the magical RPG from WB Games Avalanche is almost a dream come true, and Potterheads are impatiently waiting to set foot in the wizarding world.

Even when there was a serious lack of communication regarding the game after the State of Play in March, social media channels were filled with speculation from players eager to discuss what the game would constitute, what locations they could explore, what spells they could cast, and more.

The WB Games Avalanche's decision to set up their game around a century before the original saga allows them to chart fresh new territories for players to experience. Potterheads will get to make their own unique legacy and leave a mark on the wizarding world of 1890.

While WB Games has said numerous times that Hogwarts Legacy will be released in 2022, earlier last month, the company announced that it will push the game to a 2023 release date. Barring the initial sense of disappointment that pervaded those waiting for the launch, players are hopeful that this means the final product will be properly polished.


Fans have also learned about the various editions of Hogwarts Legacy, which are now available for pre-order, and their exclusive rewards. The unpacking video of the Collector's Edition has also intimated Potterheads regarding what they can expect from the elusive rare product.

Hogwarts Legacy is set to be released on February 10, 2023, for PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One and Series X|S, and PC. The Nintendo Switch's date will be announced later.

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