How to build an oven in Grounded

Image Via Obsidian Entertainment
Image Via Obsidian Entertainment

Crafting in Grounded is a necessary part of the game and the Oven is yet another crafting station that players can add to their base. There are a lot of good uses for the Oven, such as smelting, and players don't want to skip it if they don't need to.

Like many things in Grounded, players will need to craft an Oven to obtain one. But before they can do that, a building module must be acquired to unlock the Oven itself. This module is called the Advanced Production Buildings module. It is technically purchased, but first, it must be found and returned to a vendor.

The module for the Oven is located in the Haze Lab location, which is in the southwestern region of the Grounded map. Once inside, players need to head towards the back of the Haze Lab and inspect a table. Players will be able to find the module there.

With the module in hand, players should head to BURG.L and hand over the Advanced Production Building module. With the item turned in, the module can officially be purchased for 4,000 raw science, and then the Oven will be unlocked for crafting. BURG.L can also provide raw science with dailies if need be.

How to craft the Oven in Grounded and the purpose that it serves


With the Oven unlocked, the next step is to craft the Oven itself and place it within a base in Grounded. It only takes a few different kinds of ingredients but they may take some time to acquire. The ingredients are 10 clay, four boiling glands, and one charcoal chunk.

To find all of the ingredients, there are different locations or enemies to look for. The clay can fairly easily be found in the garden or around the base with a shovel. Boiling glands are found by defeating and looting Bombardier Beetles. Then there is the charcoal, which can be quickly found in the barbeque location on the map.

After all the ingredients are put together, players will have their own Oven which allows them to smelt items in the game such as Mushroom Slurry. On top of the smelting items, players will need the oven to fight the Broodmother boss in Grounded.

Fighting her means players need to craft a Broodmother BLT and bring it to her den to fight. A newly crafted Oven can get the job done.