How to catch Herdier for the Unova Collection Challenge in Pokemon GO

Image Via Pokemon
Image Via Pokemon

Pokemon GO is currently running a Unova Collection Challenge, and Herdier is one of the nine Pokemon on that challenge roster.

There's only a certain amount of time to complete the challenge, so players need to act fast if Herdier continues to elude them.

Herdier is likely the hardest Pokemon to catch in the Unova Collection challenge because it is the only one that is an evolved form. The other eight Pokemon in the challenge are all first forms, but Herdier stands out. Lilipup, which is the first form of Herdier, is also part of the Unova Collection challenge.

What makes getting Herdier more of challenge is the fact that all nine Pokemon in the Pokemon Go Unova Collection challenge need to be caught in the wild. That means that players are unable to evolve a Lilipup in order to get the Herdier. The good news is there are a few tips to catch a Herdier before the Unova Collection challenge ends in Pokemon Go on January 10, 2021.

Tips for Catching a Herdier for the Pokemon GO Unova Collection challenge


The most obvious way to catch a Herdier is by finding it in the wild. However, that's really up to chance for the most part. Some players may just get lucky enough to open up Pokemon GO and see a Herdier, and those chances increase the more players simply walk around with the app open. But that can take a while, if it happens at all.

Using an incense in Pokemon GO can be another way to increase the chance of finding a Herdier. It will cause all the current event Pokemon to pop up around the player incense, which may include Herdier. The incense also requires minimal effort, as players can simply sit and watch their phone with the incense active. But they do only last for an hour in Pokemon GO for now.

A far more surefire way of getting a Herdier is to complete a raid against Herdier. While the Unova Collection challenge is active, Herdier will be appearing in three star raids. With a couple of other players at hand, defeating the Herdier and catching it for the challenge is a far more certain method. Herdier is a normal type Pokemon, so players looking to defeat it in a raid may want to bring some fighting type Pokemon or moves.

Once Herdier is caught, completing the rest of the challenge shouldn't take too long for most players in Pokemon GO.

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