How to change your name in Apex Legends

Changing a name in Apex is different on each platform (Image via Electronic Arts)
Changing a name in Apex is different on each platform (Image via Electronic Arts)

Apex Legends has names for users just like any other online game around and there are always players who get tired of the name they have. Luckily, it doesn't take much to change the name in Apex Legends, but the process will depend on the platform.

Most major platforms will have access to Apex Legends, but that doesn't mean the name change process will be the same. Platforms such as consoles will have different directions to follow compared to PC and the platforms on there. Players used to Warzone may switch to an Activision name, but Apex Legends chooses words based on the selected platform.

How to change your name in Apex Legends depending on the platform


The most straightforward way to change the name in Apex Legends will be on consoles. On Xbox and PlayStation, the gamertags that players have will also be used in Apex Legends rather than an EA account.

Considering console usernames are tied to Apex Legends, players must go through the Xbox name change process. Players can hit the Xbox logo on their controller and head to the Profile and System section of the Console. From there, open the My Profile section and select the name change option. The process is straightforward from there, but the name will need to be available for use.

On PlayStation, the process is similar and players will want to head over to their profile on the system. In that section, there will be an option for a name and Online ID. The Online ID is an option that players want to change for Apex Legends. Nintendo Switch has the same process in the profile section, but it's worth noting that the name will not change the friend code that players have.

Changing the Apex Legends name on PC

Apex Legends names work differently on PC than they do on Console. The two platforms on PC that have Apex Legends are Origin and Steam.

Origin is the EA platform and players can find their profile in the settings and billing section. Once that option is selected, players will be taken to their profile page to change their name. Like PlayStation, the name will need to be available.

Steam has a similar process and players need to go to their profile page at the top of the menu. In the edit profile menu, players can choose any name they want for Apex Legends. The process should be easy enough for any player to change their name in the game.

This article reflects the opinions of the writer.

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