How to complete Abyss Dungeons in Lost Ark

Abyss Dungeons are one type of endgame content (Image via Smilegate)
Abyss Dungeons are one type of endgame content (Image via Smilegate)

Lost Ark has many activities to invest time into, especially late-game. Sooner rather than later, you can participate in dungeons, which can be done solo or with other players.

To reach the upper echelons of power, players can complete the Abyss Dungeons. They're incredibly challenging dungeons that require the right gear, teamwork, and class knowledge.

But before you can enter and complete the Abyss Dungeons, there are a few prerequisites, aside from understanding Lost Ark’s game mechanics.

Lost Ark: Everything you need to know about Abyss Dungeons

Unlock Abyss Dungeons by reaching max level


To unlock Abyss Dungeons, you first need to reach the max level. Once you’ve accomplished that, it’s onto completing the Blue World questline. Most of the content spans Northern Vern. After completing “Waiting and Leaving,” Abyss Dungeons are unlocked.

Your next objective is to have the minimum item level to enter the desired Abyss Dungeon. The first Abyss Dungeon is Demon Beast Canyon, requiring a minimum of level 325. By the time you reach max level, you’ll be around item level 200+.


The available Abyss Dungeons and their minimum item levels are:

  • Demon Beast Canyon (Ancient Elveria): lvl 325+
  • Necromancer's Origin (Ancient Elveria): lvl 340+
  • Citadel of Illusions (Abode of Dreams): lvl 460+
  • Aurelsud Palace (Abode of Dreams): lvl 460+
  • Oblivion Sea (Great Gate): lvl 960+
  • Perilous Abyss (Great Gate): lvl 960+
  • Underwater Sanctuary (Great Gate): lvl 960+
  • Eye of Aira (Oreya's Heart): lvl 1325+
  • Oreha Prabasa (Oreya's Heart): lvl 1325+

Each Abyss Dungeon is allowed to be completed three times per week. Locate the blue crystal icon on the map in any major city to participate. Alternatively, you can use the Group Finder Tool.

Complete Abyss Dungeons with team cooperation and game knowledge


Unlike Chao Dungeons and normal dungeons, Abyss Dungeons aren’t solo-able and require an entire team. Everyone also needs to meet the item level requirements. More importantly, each player needs to know their role and class properly.

Abyss Dungeons has more of an emphasis on boss mechanics. Understanding what each boss does, in addition to teamwork, is necessary to complete an Abyss Dungeon. For practice (and better gear), complete normal dungeons and Chaos Dungeons as they can be done solo in Lost Ark.

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