How to counter Guile in Street Fighter 6

Guile fighting against Ryu in Street Fighter 6 (Image via Capcom)
Guile fighting against Ryu in Street Fighter 6 (Image via Capcom)

Street Fighter 6 has a good mix of new characters and old fan favorites. Among the returning characters is Guile, one of the original members of the Street Fighter roster. He once again graces the virtual fighting arenas of the franchise with his signature flat top haircut, formidable Sonic Boom, and Flash Kick, which keeps his opponents from getting close to him.

If you find yourself struggling to get close to Guile and winning against him, this guide should give you an idea of how to approach battles against him.

Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and solely reflect the opinions of the writer

Countering Guile in Street Fighter 6: Understanding his strengths and weaknesses

Guile fits into the zoner category due to his projectile-based attacks, but he is not a one-dimensional character. This is because the character has good counters when playing defense. He also has the ability to jump in for hard-hitting regular attacks at close range. At best, he is an in-betweener, falling into the Zoner and Charge character.

Guile is one of the more well-rounded characters in Street Fighter 6. However, he is at his best when being defensive.

Guile might seem like he has no weaknesses, but he isn't a perfect character at all. He has a slow walking speed and needs to charge up his projectiles and special attacks in order for them to reach their full power. He also has a limited range on his pokes and regular attacks. Some of his projectiles are easier to jump over and evade, which can open up opportunities for counter-attacks.

The speed at which his projectiles charge can give quick-thinking opponents enough time to counter or think of their next move. Once you see him charge up a projectile, get ready to jump up. However, be careful about jumping forward towards him as he can take advantage and use his Flash Kick.


Characters who have a long-range attack and can poke from afar can chip away at Guile's health easily. Well-rounded characters who can step in, dish a few hard-hitting shots, and then step back can also do well against him. Lastly, grapplers who can immediately break through a defense by throwing their opponent around are great picks to counter Guile when he is playing defensively.

Using the Drive Rush mechanic to quickly get close to him when he is charging a projectile or using the Drive Reversal to push him back when he tries to jump in for close-range regular attacks will help you counter him in both offensive and defensive situations.

Characters who can counter Guile in Street Fighter 6


A dedicated zoner like Dhalsim or JP can easily defeat Guile when he is playing conservatively. They have longer reach with their pokes and regular attacks. Their projectiles are also quicker compared to Guile's.

A grappler like Manon who possesses both solid mid-range strikes and defense-breaking throws and grabs is also a great character to use against a zoner-charger character.

Try out your fighting abilities against Guile in Street Fighter 6, available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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