How to craft Electroculus resonance stone in Genshin Impact to find Electroculus easily

Electroculus Resonance Stone gadget in Genshin Impact
Electroculus Resonance Stone gadget in Genshin Impact

In Genshin Impact version 2.1, most players should be able to obtain the gadget 'Electroculus Resonance Stone'. This gadget can be used to search for nearby Electroculus. If an Electroculus is found nearby, the gadget will be consumed, and the area will be highlighted with a blue circle.

With Electroculus Resonance Stone, players can find the hidden Electroculi more efficiently in Genshin Impact.

How to obtain Electroculus Resonance Stone in Genshin Impact

Instructions for Electroculus Resonance Stone (Image via Genshin Impact)
Instructions for Electroculus Resonance Stone (Image via Genshin Impact)

Before crafting Electroculus Resonance Stone, you need to obtain the blueprint to create the gadget. Instructions for making an Electroculus Resonance stone can be acquired when you reach level 8 for the Reputation Reward in Inazuma.

You can upgrade your reputation in Inazuma by completing weekly bounties, requests, and Inazuma World Quests. It also counts the Inazuma exploration progress that you've achieved on each island.

How to craft Electroculus Resonance Stone

Check inventory and choose the option 'Use' (Image via Genshin Impact)
Check inventory and choose the option 'Use' (Image via Genshin Impact)

Once you have obtained the blueprint for Electroculus Resonance Stone, make sure to check the 'Precious Items' section in your inventory and click the 'Use' option to make the gadget available on the crafting bench.

Craft Electroculus Resonance Stone on the crafting bench (Image via Genshin Impact)
Craft Electroculus Resonance Stone on the crafting bench (Image via Genshin Impact)

After that, go to any crafting bench located in Teyvat. Then, you can create Electroculus Resonance Stone by using 5 Naku Weed, 5 Sakura Bloom, and 1 Amethyst Lump for 500 Mora. The gadget will be permanently available in your inventory under the gadget tab.

Naku Weed and Sakura Bloom are the local specialities in Inazuma. Meanwhile, Amethyst Lump is a forging ore that can be found in the wild. You can use the Genshin Impact interactive map below to track the necessary materials and farm them.

How to use Electroculus Resonance Stone in Genshin Impact

Equip the gadget from your inventory (Image via Genshin Impact)
Equip the gadget from your inventory (Image via Genshin Impact)

Currently, there are 151 Electroculus scattered around Inazuma in version 2.1. Aside from tracking them in the interactive map, you can use the gadget 'Electroculus Resonance Stone' to trail the remaining Electroculus in your world. First, make sure to equip the item from your inventory.

A blue circle will appear if there is any Electroculus in the area (Image via Vincent Koh, Youtube)
A blue circle will appear if there is any Electroculus in the area (Image via Vincent Koh, Youtube)

Then, by using this gadget, it will look for the nearest Electroculus from your current location. If an Electroculus is found within the vicinity, the device will enter a cooldown, and its general location will be highlighted with a blue circle.

When you get close enough, a white arrow will send you in the right direction. In addition, the Oculus sign will display on the map once you approach close enough, and the blue circle will vanish.

If an Electroculus is not found in the nearby area, the gadget will notify you, and it will not enter cooldown.


Using the gadget 'Electroculus Resonance Stone' may help Genshin Impact players search for Electroculus by themselves. Moreover, the gadget itself is permanent and may prove its usefulness when the last island in Inazuma is released in the upcoming version.

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