How to execute a "Dropshot" perfectly in COD Mobile?

Image via - u/da7GR
Image via - u/da7GR

One of the most frequently asked questions in COD Mobile has to do with successfully going prone while shooting an opponent. This technique is called as a "Dropshot."

In first-person shooter games, especially the ones on mobile, players often use this trick to confuse their enemies. This effectively forces opponents to change their crosshair placement.

In a dynamic game like COD Mobile, players who learn to Dropshot early on have better chances at dominating ranked games. Several professional players practice for hours to time it correctly.

This trick is also highly efficient in Battle Royale, as the third-person view also makes it difficult to aim with the crosshair. Not only does it catch the opponent off guard, but it forces them to change their position as well.

However, there are some basic rules players need to keep in mind while executing a Dropshot in COD Mobile. For instance, players need to remember the difference between hip-firing and ADS. This is one of the key aspects that makes a difference while executing a Dropshot.

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What is 'Dropshot' in CoD Mobile?

Image via - u/da7GR
Image via - u/da7GR

Several content creators and professionals, like iFerg, Faze Bloo, ValorPlays, and CoD Narco, have made videos about getting better at Dropshot. Firstly, players need to get their HUD appropriately arranged for maximum efficiency.

Image via - u/da7GR
Image via - u/da7GR

In mobile games, it is essential to use more than two fingers. While the four-finger-claw technique is a little tricky at first, it is the best way to go in CoD Mobile.


Depending on the size of their device, players can even use five fingers to play. Most content creators have asserted that having multiple contact points gives players an advantage.

Thus, players would naturally want their prone button close to their aiming area or their ADS-Shoot button, on the HUD setting. This allows players to shift quickly from a free look to a flat position.


However, opening the scope has to be timed right in order to strike with the maximum bullets. GAMING with Gregory demonstrated the difference between ADS and hip-firing while executing a Dropshot.

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How to execute Dropshot perfectly in CoD Mobile?

Players need to learn when to Dropshot and when not to. If the opponent is not facing the player, there is no need to go for a Dropshot. This technique is most effective when sneaking up on an enemy, or facing them head-on.

Image via - u/da7GR
Image via - u/da7GR

At the same time, players need to be aware of the weapon they are carrying. This will impact the range, recoil, as well as time required to shift the crosshair.

Image via - u/da7GR
Image via - u/da7GR

For instance, if players are playing with a sniper, then all they need is one shot, as sliding in and proning simultaneously confuses the enemy. However, for every other weapon, players need to account for the recoil.

Image via - u/da7GR
Image via - u/da7GR

Another aspect players need to take note of is when to get up from a proned position. Usually, players tend to get up too early, or they go prone too late. Experienced players have perfected the timing by practicing regularly.


In a four-finger-claw technique, players usually place their prone button near the right thumb or left index finger. Practicing regularly will imprint this technique in muscle memory.


Executing a Dropshot in COD Mobile requires players to tap two buttons at the same time. GAMING with Gregory showed how pressing both prone and shoot simultaneously gives a higher chance of eliminating the opponent. It is advised that players take it slow in order to get a hang of the motion.

Image via - u/da7GR
Image via - u/da7GR

The key to master Dropshots is to practice rigorously in COD Mobile Practice Arena. Before going into ranked matches, it is best to try this technique out in multiplayer.

Every COD Mobile professional and content creator advises players to incorporate Dropshots into their playstyles. It adds an element of surprise, thereby forces the enemy to re-aim with their crosshair.

Thus, to excel at executing Dropshots, players need to keep the following things in mind:

  • HUD settings. If possible, dedicate a finger to the Prone button. Otherwise, keep it close to either index finger or right thumb.
  • Executing a Dropshot and getting back up should seem like one motion in a constant flow.
  • Crosshair placement while prone
  • ADS while prone
  • Hip-firing while prone

With some rigorous practice and the proper settings, players can incorporate Dropshots into their gameplay like COD Mobile pros.

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