How to farm ascension materials for Polar Star before Genshin Impact 2.2 update

The Polar Star will arrive in Genshin Impact 2.2 via Wishes (Image via Sportskeeda)
The Polar Star will arrive in Genshin Impact 2.2 via Wishes (Image via Sportskeeda)

Polar Star is a brand new 5-star Bow that will become available in Genshin Impact 2.2.

If Genshin Impact players plan to roll for it on a weapon banner, they might wish to farm for its ascension materials beforehand. Unfortunately, not all of its materials are available for players to farm right now. The Concealed Claw, Concealed Unguis, and Concealed Talon come from Rifthounds and their whelps.

Those enemies will appear in Genshin Impact 2.2. Still, Genshin Impact players can farm the remaining ascension materials before the 2.2 update occurs. Even if the player doesn't get the Polar Star, they will still need these Ascension materials for other weapons.

Note: It used to be known as Brumal Star in the older Genshin leaks.

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Genshin Impact 2.2: How to farm ascension materials for Polar Star

The Polar Star (Image via Honey Impact)
The Polar Star (Image via Honey Impact)

The Polar Star's Ascension materials can be seen in the table below:

Ascension #Ascension MaterialsMora
1 5x Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant
5x Concealed Claw
3x Spectral Husk
2 5x Mask of the Tiger's Bite
18x Concealed Claw
12x Spectral Husk
39x Mask of the Tiger's Bite
9x Concealed Unguis
9x Spectral Heart
45x Mask of the One-Horned
18x Concealed Unguis
14x Spectral Heart
59x Mask of the One-Horned
14x Concealed Talon
9x Spectral Nucleus
66x Mask of the Kijin
27x Concealed Talon
18x Spectral Nucleus

As previously mentioned, the Concealed Claw, Concealed Unguis, and Concealed Talon materials are unavailable right now. Once Genshin Impact 2.2 launches, gamers can defeat Rifthounds and Rifthound Whelps to get these ascension materials.

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How to obtain the Mask materials

The Court of Flowing Sand domain has this Ascension material (Image via Genshin Impact)
The Court of Flowing Sand domain has this Ascension material (Image via Genshin Impact)

The Court of Flowing Sand has the following useful ascension materials for Polar Star:

  • Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant
  • Mask of the Tiger's Bite
  • Mask of the One-horned
  • Mask of the Kijin

However, it only has these materials on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. Genshin Impact players can also obtain them via crafting (although that requires them to have some of these materials in the first place).

Genshin Impact players can find this domain north of the Grand Narukami Shrine. It's on some stairs near a rotating cube puzzle. However, there are no requirements to unlock this domain.

The Polar Star needs the following ascension materials to ascend in Genshin Impact fully:

  • 5 Masks of the Lieutenant
  • 14 Masks of the Tiger's Bite
  • 14 Masks of the One-Horned
  • 6 Masks of the Kijin

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How to obtain the Spectral materials

Specters drop Spectral Husks, Spectral Hearts, and Spectral Nuclei. They're only available in Watatsumi and Seirai Island, and there are three variations of them (Anemo, Geo, and Hydro).

All versions of Specters drop the Spectral Husk. Only level 40+ drop the Spectral Heart. Likewise, they must be level 60+ to drop the Spectral Nucleus. Genshin Impact players can alternatively craft higher-leveled items if they have low-level materials.

The Polar Star requires the following materials to reach its maximum Ascension level:

  • 15 Spectral Husks
  • 23 Spectral Hearts
  • 27 Spectral Nuclei

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How to obtain Mora

A Blossom of Wealth (Image via Genshin Impact)
A Blossom of Wealth (Image via Genshin Impact)

Mora is easily obtainable in Genshin Impact (but also easily spent). If the player only needs Mora, finding a Blossom of Wealth anywhere on Teyvat will benefit their cause. Interact with it and defeat the foes it summons to claim the tens of thousands of Mora (depending on the player's World Level).

If the player doesn't know where to find them, they should check their map. It has a map icon that resembles a golden blossom, and players can click on it to navigate to it.

Of course, Genshin Impact players can find Mora through several other methods. They might obtain some while trying to farm for good artifacts, through expeditions, or looking for treasure.

The Polar Star requires 225,000 Mora for players to fully ascend the weapon.

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