Latest Genshin Impact 2.2 leak reveals new name of Childe's BiS signature bow

Genshin Impact will soon release Childe’s best-in-slot weapon, Polar Star (Image via Sportskeeda)
Genshin Impact will soon release Childe’s best-in-slot weapon, Polar Star (Image via Sportskeeda)

Genshin Impact leakers have revealed a new 5-star bow coming in version 2.2, and recent leaks have provided a name change to the weapon.

The leaked bow was initially believed to be named “Brumel Star” or “Brumal Star”. However, according to leaks, it will be called “Polar Star” when released in Genshin Impact.

This 5-star weapon is expected to be the best-in-slot option for the playable Fatui, Childe. Polar Star’s stats, passive ability, and ascension materials remain unchanged from the original leaks.

Genshin Impact leakers reveal new Polar Star bow in version 2.2

A reliable leak on Reddit recently unveiled the name change to Childe’s upcoming weapon. The leaker posted two images of the weapon card, one at level 1 and one at level 90.

Leaked Polar Star weapon cards (Image via Sportskeeda)
Leaked Polar Star weapon cards (Image via Sportskeeda)

The weapon’s description is still undeveloped, reading “This is a bow.” However, its stats and passive ability are fully revealed here, matching the leaks before the name change.

Polar Star stats and ability

If leaks are accurate, Polar Star will have a base attack stat of 608, the same as most other 5-star bows in Genshin Impact. As a secondary stat, Polar Star will likely have a 33.1% CRIT Rate bonus.

Genshin Impact leaks predict that Polar Star will increase Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst damage by 12% at refinement level 1. This buff should scale to 24% with refinement.

Furthermore, hitting enemies with elemental abilities and normal or charged attacks will create up to four stacks of Byakuya Kyousei. This will buff the user’s ATK with maximum stacks by 48-96%, depending on refinement.

According to leaks, the attacks that stack Byakuya Kyousei will be counted independently of each other. This likely means that players need to use a normal attack, charged attack, and both elemental abilities to get all four stacks.

Each stack is expected to last 12 seconds, so users will want to get all four in rapid succession while in combat.

For Childe, stacking Byakuya Kyousei should be a lot easier than it would be for other bow-users. He can quickly trigger a normal and charged attack in his melee stance, and the Riptide Slashes will count as Elemental Skill damage.

Gamers should make sure he has enough Energy Recharge to obtain the burst Byakuya Kyousei stack frequently.

Polar Star ascension materials

According to leaks, Genshin Impact users will need the following materials to ascend Polar Star:

  • Mask ascension materials
  • Specter drops
  • Rifthound drops
  • Mora

They can get the masks from the Court of Flowing Sand domain on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Meanwhile, players will have to explore Inazuma for the monster drops. To farm Specters, they can refer to their spawn points in the interactive map below:

The other monster drop that gamers need for Polar Star comes from an unreleased enemy. Some leaks refer to these enemies as Rifthounds and Rifthound Whelps, while others call them Riftstalker Hound and Riftstalker Whelps.

In any case, Genshin Impact will likely add these wolf enemies to the game in the next update, so Travelers will have to wait a few weeks to farm them.

Childe’s new bow should be a better fit for him than his current-best in-slot weapon, Skyward Harp. Genshin Impact players who main the harbinger may consider using their wishes on the upcoming weapon banner in version 2.2.

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