How to find Thestrals and obtain Thestral Hair in Hogwarts Legacy?

Find Thestrals and collect Thestral Hair in Hogwarts Legacy (Image via WB Games)
Find Thestrals and collect Thestral Hair in Hogwarts Legacy (Image via WB Games)

Taming Magical Beasts can be quite fun in Hogwarts Legacy. However, they play a more important role in the game than just serving as cute pets. Some materials found on them, such as their feather and fur, can be used to upgrade gear.

The action RPG based on the Wizarding World has many magical beasts you can interact with. There are particular ways to locate and capture them on the map.

Some players might have trouble finding and catching Thestrals in the game's open world. They can be found by visiting the various dens on the map and exploring the area.

If you can't find Thestrals among the world's vastness and capture them for their hair, this guide will tell you exactly where to look and how to catch and nurture them inside Vivarium to harvest Thestral hair.

Finding and catching Thestrals in Hogwarts Legacy


Thestrals can be obtained by visiting the various dens on the map, particularly North Ford Bog and Marunween Lake.

These beasts can be used for flying around the map but can be quite difficult to catch. They are highly agile and can easily outpace you by flying or galloping away, so you won't have much luck chasing after them with Nap-Sack.

Thankfully, you get access to several magical spells in Hogwarts Legacy that you can use to make your life much easier. Stay undetected as you get close to the creature you set your sight on. The Disillusionment spell will help with this as you approach the Thestral Den.

Once you successfully get behind one of these Thestrals, using the following combination of spells will give you a good chance of capturing one of them. Start with two Accios to draw it closer, then use a Levioso to keep the creature from flying or sprinting away. Only after this can you bring out Nap-Sack to capture the creature. Arresto Momentum or Glacius can be alternatives to Levioso.

Obtaining Thestral Hair in Hogwarts Legacy


Thestral Hair is considered one of the strongest wand cores alongside Dragons and Basilisk. There are two ways of obtaining Thestral Hair in Hogwarts Legacy:

  • Purchasing them at the Brood and Peck shop for 400 Galleons.
  • Collecting the hair dropped by the Thestrals you have captured and tamed.

The first might seem like the easier process, as it might seem like the one with less effort and will cost you a lot of gold coins. But why would you spend money on something you can get for free, especially when capturing and taming the creature give additional experience?

All you have to do to get free Thestral Hair is to capture some of these creatures, keep them inside your Vivarium, feed them with a beast feeder, and pet them with a brush from time to time. Take these steps, and they will drop their precious hair that you can pick up and use for whatever purpose.

Hogwarts Legacy is produced by Avalanche Studios and WB Games. It was globally released on February 10. The video game adaptation of the Wizarding world is available to play on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.

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