How to get the new artifact sets "Pale Flame" and "Tenacity of the Millelith" in Genshin Impact 1.5 update

The Pale Flame and Tenacity of the Millelith artifact sets (Image via Genshin Impact)
The Pale Flame and Tenacity of the Millelith artifact sets (Image via Genshin Impact)

In Genshin Impact, artifacts have been crucial to character-building since the game's debut.

Now, with the recent release of version 1.5, a new domain has opened up, offering two new artifact collections as rewards. Players who spend their resin on this domain will often receive artifacts from the Pale Flame and Tenacity of Millelith sets, along with the standard rewards of Mora, Companionship EXP, and Adventurer EXP.

Also read: 5 important things to do after updating Genshin Impact to version 1.5

How to get the "Pale Flame" and "Tenacity of the Millelith" artifact sets in Genshin Impact

Designs of the new artifacts in Genshin Impact
Designs of the new artifacts in Genshin Impact

The Pale Flame and Tenacity of Millelith artifacts have powerful set effects when put in the right hands. As such, many players are prepared to put some time and resin into the new artifacts domain to improve a physical DPS or shield support character.

To obtain artifacts from these sets, players must complete one of the challenges in the Ridge Watch domain. As always, the more challenging the trial, the loftier the rewards.

Challenging the Ridge Watch artifacts domain

The new Ridge Watch domain (Image via Genshin Impact)
The new Ridge Watch domain (Image via Genshin Impact)

The new domain can be found to the northwest of Dragonspine, below the body of water that’s south of Dawn Winery.

The first three challenges contain standard enemies, including different types of Hilichurls and Slimes. Hydro, Cryo, and Geo are recommended for these stages.

However, players who want the best chance of getting five-star artifacts must take on the fourth and most difficult challenges. In this stage, the enemies are two Geovishaps who must be defeated within five minutes. Genshin Impact only recommends having a Geo character for this battle.

Also read: How to get Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact 1.5 update: Trust Rank, Realm Depot, and other housing realm features explained

Pale Flame artifact set effects

Pale Flame artifact set bonuses (Image via Genshin Impact)
Pale Flame artifact set bonuses (Image via Genshin Impact)

The new Pale Flame artifact set is perfect for a physical DPS character. With a two-piece set, the Pale Flame increases physical DMG by 25%. And with four equipped, the set increases ATK on Elemental Skill hit and further increases physical DMG when this effect is stacked on itself.

Though most players have prioritized elemental reactions, those whose team leads deal mainly physical damage are surely happy about this set’s release.

Players who want to try this set out in action may consider a Keqing build, as she has excellent crit damage and breakneck attack speed, and using her for physical DPS has grown increasingly popular.

Tenacity of the Millelith artifact set effects

Tenacity of the Millelith artifact set bonuses (Image via Genshin Impact)
Tenacity of the Millelith artifact set bonuses (Image via Genshin Impact)

The Tenacity of the Millelith artifact set increases HP with two equipped. With the four-piece set, these artifacts boost party members' ATK and shield strength upon hits with an Elemental Skill.

This set is a perfect match for Zhongli, which is great considering he is currently up for grabs in the character event banner. The set works so well for Zhongli because his attacks and abilities scale in damage based on HP.

Additionally, Zhongli's the best shield creator in the game as he's the only one who can keep a shield up at all times, making him synergize perfectly with this new set.

This new set of artifacts gives yet another reason to wish on the currency character banner, though it can be used with any character designed to be the tanky support type.

The new artifacts are just a fraction of the new in-game content now that version 1.5 has been released. And many players are sure to farm these new artifacts and the rewards from the new boss enemies and challenges.

Also read: Genshin Impact: Zhongli's ascension materials and talent level-up resources listed

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