How to get Scarlet Rot resistance in Elden Ring

Get prepared for the scarlet lake (Image via FromSoftware)
Get prepared for the scarlet lake (Image via FromSoftware)

One of the new status effects in Elden Ring is Scarlet Rot. Considering how often the rot appears, players may want to make sure they have resistance ready for it. Without any protection from the red-colored rot, players' health bars will quickly melt away and eat up any Crimson Tears they have. Elden Ring is one of the most popular games today and players often want to search for different ways to get a variety of items in the game.

Scarlet Rot acts a lot like poison does in effect, but it does way more damage per tick than poison ever could. It makes this status effect far more dangerous, but like any FromSoftware game, there are some counters you can use against it. The new crafting system also offers far more options for players as they explore the world.

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Scarlot Rot resistance items in Elden Ring

Here is how you can get Scarlot Rot resistance items in Elden Ring easily:

Craft to alleviate buildup. (Image via FromSoftware)
Craft to alleviate buildup. (Image via FromSoftware)

There are a few different ways that players can resist Scarlet Rot in Elden Ring, along with any other type of status effect in the game. They each have their own special counters along with shared options that span the entire library of effects.

With preparation and new mechanics, players can easily get ready to face rot in any circumstance, be it a boss or an area.

Scarlet Rot resistance items in Elden Ring:

  • Use Preserving Boluses geared towards the rot which can remove and prevent any effects.
  • These can be found, purchased, or crafted with the right recipes.
  • There are also consumables called White Cured Meat that will boost immunity entirely. These can also be crafted.
  • Elden Ring is full of Talisman options and the Immunizing Horn Charm is one of the best for immunity.
  • Some armors will have much higher immunity and can be a great way to boost the rot resistance that a player has.
  • Rolling in rot or poison will cause the effect to build up faster

Overall, crafting is one of the best options for getting fast resistance in the game. But players will need the right materials and tools for that.

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How to craft for Scarlet Rot resistence in Elden Ring


To start crafting in Elden Ring, players can buy a crafting kit directly from Kale at the beginning of the game. He is always found at the Church of Elleh in Limgrave, so it's easy to get to.

One they have the kit, players will need the correct recipe along with ingredients. To make the Preserving Rot Boluses, players will need a Dewkissed Herba, Crystal Cave Moss, and Sacramental Bud. These can be made at any time and make the rot mechanic much more manageable in Elden Ring.

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