How to get Shiki Koshou companion in Genshin Impact

Shiki Koshou companion gadget (Image via Genshin Impact)
Shiki Koshou companion gadget (Image via Genshin Impact)

Part 3 of Labyrinth Warrior has started, and players can obtain a surprising companion called Shiki Koshou in Genshin Impact.

Shiki Koshou is a replica of the paper doll Shiki Taishou, but with a makeover of wearing glasses. Although the companion gadget provides no help in battle or any other aspect, its adorable behavior might catch some players' hearts.

By completing a particular Story Quest, Genshin Impact gamers can get various rewards such as Primogems, Hero's Wit, Mora, and the star of today's article: Shiki Koshou.


How to obtain Shiki Koshou gadget in Genshin Impact

Open the navigation menu to see the Story Quest (Image via Genshin Impact)
Open the navigation menu to see the Story Quest (Image via Genshin Impact)

To get the Shiki Koshou gadget permanently in Genshin Impact, you must complete the third Story Quest for Labyrinth Warrior.

You can see the quest 'Away with Obsessions and Falsehood' from the navigation menu under Labyrinth Warrior: Part III. You can start the quest by changing the in-game time to 8:00 am the next day and meet Xinyan in front of the domain.

Defeat Abyss Herald and Abyss Lector to complete the trial (Image via Genshin Impact)
Defeat Abyss Herald and Abyss Lector to complete the trial (Image via Genshin Impact)

Then, you need to clear the trial by defeating all the bosses on each floor. On the first floor, you will fight Abyss Herald, Electro Abyss Mage, and Hydro Samachurl. It is suggested that at least one Cryo character be deployed throughout the combat, as their Elemental Skill can quickly deplete the Abyss Herald's shield.

Next on the second floor, the last boss is Abyss Lector and multiple Attendants: Hydro Abyss Mage, Hydro Samachurl, and two Cryo Hilichurl Shooters. Because Abyss Lector's Electro shield is fragile to the Pyro attack, you should bring at least one Pyro character to fight on this floor.

You will instantly get the Shiki Koshou gadget (Image via Genshin Impact)
You will instantly get the Shiki Koshou gadget (Image via Genshin Impact)

Once the enemies are defeated, you can go further to the last room in the domain to start a cutscene. After the scene ends, you will automatically gain the Shiki Koshou gadget.

Equip Shiki Koshou from the Gadget tab in Inventory (Image via Genshin Impact)
Equip Shiki Koshou from the Gadget tab in Inventory (Image via Genshin Impact)

Finally, you can exit the domain and check the inventory for the newly added gadget. The Shiki Koshou pet companion can now be equipped with your characters and join the journey.

Although there are already multiple pets from previous events, Shiki Taishou still steal Genshin Impact players' attention with various small movements. Aside from the new gadget, gamers will also get 60 Primogems, three Hero's Wit, and 30000 Mora.

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