How to increase FPS in Biomutant

Image via THQ Nordic
Image via THQ Nordic

Biomutant is an absolutely beautiful role-playing game where settings play an important part in defining the player's general gameplay experience.

Making sure a game runs smoothly with a proper frame-rate should be a priority for any PC player. After purchasing Biomutant, that is certainly a task many players take up in the first few moments of playing.


There are a handful of ways to increase FPS. Most require graphics adjustments and overall settings changes.

Increasing the FPS of Biomutant on PC

Image via THQ Nordic
Image via THQ Nordic

The first thing Biomutant players on PC should do if FPS drops occur is to lower the Fur Detail setting. Gradually lower that time after time to see if it has any effect on the frames per second.

Next up is Texture Quality. If players have a decent graphics card, High Texture Quality should be of no concern. However, if the graphics card isn't all that great, reducing Texture Quality can help with FPS.

Stuttering or random drops in the frames per second could be caused by other issues. It is best to give a handful of options a try to determine which one works best for Biomutant on the player's PC.

Make sure to update the drivers for the GPU. Drivers that have not been updated can easily cause issues with performance, not just in FPS, but in terms of input and other factors.

Only run Biomutant when playing. Closing other programs, whether it is something simple like a web browser or more complex like a streaming application, will help bring up the FPS immensely.

Using Dynamic Resolution is another solid option to help increase the FPS of the game. This setting allows Biomutant to adjust the resolution automatically to the PC's standards. This will give an FPS boost if the PC is having trouble with the output.

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