How to increase SP in Ghostwire: Tokyo

Spells in Ghostwire: Tokyo require the use of SP (Image via Tango Gameworks)
Spells in Ghostwire: Tokyo require the use of SP (Image via Tango Gameworks)

Any and all Ethereal weaving spells in Ghostwire: Tokyo requires players to use their SP. The SP has a maximum amount that can be spent before it runs out. Thankfully, the game has given ways to not only increase that maximum amount but also to replenish SP.


Each Ethereal bar has an SP limit and these can be raised by visiting the 30 Jizo statues in the game. To refill the bars, players can absorb the Ethereal crystals found throughout the world.

How to refill SP bars in Ghostwire: Tokyo

Maintaining a full SP bar is vital for battling (Image via Tango Gameworks)
Maintaining a full SP bar is vital for battling (Image via Tango Gameworks)

Refilling bars will be a much more frequent process than increasing the maximum. There are glowing items found in the game that players can smash. These contain Ethereal crystals.

Players will need to destroy the items and the Ethereal crystals will be automatically absorbed. This will increase their current amount of SP, allowing them to continue fighting the various enemies of Ghostwire: Tokyo.

Each item destroyed will fill the SP bar with a small amount. Players need to make sure to use Spectral Vision to find even more of these items to ensure the SP bars never reach their lowest.

How to increase the maximum SP in Ghostwire: Tokyo

A player has approached a Jizo statue to pray in Ghostwire: Tokyo (Image via Tango Gameworks)
A player has approached a Jizo statue to pray in Ghostwire: Tokyo (Image via Tango Gameworks)

Increasing the maximum amount of SP available is done by finding Jizo statues. There are 30 total Jizo statues throughout the game and each one will let players choose to raise the max SP bar by one.

Each statue only allows players to pray at them to increase the maximum SP once. Thirty total increases are more than enough to allow players to decimate enemies with their Ethereal weaving.

Using Ethereal weaving spells is the best way to combat the game's many enemies (Image via Tango Gameworks)
Using Ethereal weaving spells is the best way to combat the game's many enemies (Image via Tango Gameworks)

The toughest bosses and powerful spiritual enemies will require a lot of Ethereal weaving spells. These spells will require a lot of SP to use so the enemies can be defeated.

It is recommended that players look for Jizo statues as often as possible. This will ensure they have enough SP ready in case they stumble upon a brutal opponent that they were not prepared for.

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