How long does it take to reach level 50 in Lost Ark?

Players can showcase their true power at level 50 (Image via Smilegate)
Players can showcase their true power at level 50 (Image via Smilegate)

Lost Ark players have a goal when they start the game: to reach level 50.

Level 50 is where the meat of Smilegate MMORPG becomes available. Certain dungeons, raids, and more are accessible after a player has made it to the coveted level 50.

It can take a bit of a grind to get there, however. Some players have spent dozens of hours moving through the game at their own pace, but the consensus is that it takes between 25 and 30 hours.


Casual players can reach level 50 in Lost Ark in around 25 hours

A handful of players dedicated their entire time to leveling up their character. This saw them reach level 50 in around 15 hours and a few cases in as little as 10 hours.

Casual players who might have just started their MMORPG journey with Lost Ark won't be able to accomplish that feat. Instead, they are looking at roughly 25 hours of playtime to reach level 50.

The pace at which a player moves through the world of Arkesia and levels their character is entirely up to them. It is recommended that they take the time to enjoy the game, which is why between 25 and 30 hours is a solid estimate.

How to reach level 50 in Lost Ark

Players might want to know what to do in that 25-30 timeframe to see them level up to 50. There are many things to do throughout Arkesia to level the character up.

While this isn't the max level, it is one that must be achieved to access end-game content. Even after that, it takes many more hours to reach the maximum level, which Smilegate could quickly raise.

Here are some things to do to hit level 50:

  • Complete main story quests
  • Use the Power Pass to level up quickly
  • Fast travel to reach main quest objective locations
  • Use area-of-effect attacks to defeat multiple enemies at once
  • Choose normal difficulty for dungeons to complete the quick and move on

Reaching level 50 in Lost Ark can be done extremely quickly with the right mindset and knowledge of the game. Otherwise, taking the typical route will be done in a couple of dozen hours, give or take.

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