What's the best way to get to level 50 in Lost Ark?

Lost Ark dropped in the west on February 11. (Image via Smilegate RPG)
Lost Ark dropped in the west on February 11. (Image via Smilegate RPG)

Lost Ark is quickly shaping up to be the big new thing in free-to-play MMORPG communities. The game recently dropped worldwide after massive success in South Korea and has only continued to grow.

Like most games of its scale, Lost Ark is packed with content with a massive variety of things to do. Also like most games of its type, there's a huge contingent of players grinding to hit the level cap right away.

How to quickly hit level 50 in Lost Ark

The fastest way to level up in Lost Ark is to plow through the main questline as swiftly as possible with little deviation. Use every available asset to make traversal faster and beat the big story missions fast to get to new continents.

This flies in the face of most games in which taking on every side mission and extra gameplay option is encouraged. In this game, the rewards are simply too small on most side quests to be worth the time investment. It's much more economical with time to constantly pursue the next main objective.

Grinding by killing mobs of enemies throughout the world is also not advisable. Though quick and typically easy, these mobs provide very limited experience. While most MMORPGs encourage players to kill their way through the overworld, Lost Ark is much more concerned with quests.

One major exception is time-dependent events, which are marked in red on the map. These are typically extremely brief and reward players with more experience on average. Simply turn briefly from the main quest to knock out any red missions that appear, then turn straight back to the objective.

Use mounts as often as possible, as travel time is a significant portion of the game experience. Mounts are several times faster than the character's run speed and can jump gaps that would stop the player in their tracks.

Don't be afraid to fast travel, use the triports whenever they're efficient. This will cut down on travel time and keep the journey across Arkesia expedient.

The average player will unlock the ability to sail around level 35. At that point, the main quests will be replaced by World Quests, which are marked by huge blue icons on the map. These, like other quests, will grant the players the most experience for time invested.

When it comes to dungeons in Lost Ark, the temptation can be to go in on the hardest difficulty. Resist this temptation and take them on at normal difficulty. This is because the rewards provided by harder modes will pale in comparison to items picked up in later areas.

It would be a shame to grind the same dungeon multiple times, only to be rewarded with a weapon that'll be obsolete minutes later.

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