How many Primogems are needed to get Raiden Shogun in the next Genshin Impact banner?

Raiden Shogun will return to the featured banner during the 2.5 update (Image via Genshin Impact)
Raiden Shogun will return to the featured banner during the 2.5 update (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact will soon feature a Raiden Shogun rerun on its main banner, and players will finally get another chance to summon the powerful Electro Archon.

Raiden's value continues to increase with each update as her National Team remains one of the strongest in the game.

Players who need a powerful 5-star addition to their teams will definitely want to get Raiden when she is featured during this rerun.

With Genshin Impact's pity system, players will know exactly how many Primogems they need to obtain Raiden.

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Players can use Genshin Impact's pity system to see how many Primogems they need for Raiden Shogun


Raiden Shogun will be featured in her first rerun during the 2.5 update, giving fans another chance to summon the powerful Electro 5-star.

Raiden is an incredibly versatile character who can fit into any team without issues. Players who want the character must make sure they have enough Primogems to summon her.

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Luckily, Genshin Impact's pity system takes out a lot of the guesswork in summoning. Players can look to their pity to see how far away they are from a 5-star character and how many Primogems they will need to save up.

Barring random luck, players will usually get a 5-star character after around 70-80 wishes.

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Reaching this amount places players in a region known as soft pity, where a 5-star character has a higher chance of appearing. This region takes around 12,000 Primogems to reach, and players will want to have at least this amount if they are starting from zero pity.

If fans don't get a 5-star in this range, they may need to continue wishing until hard pity, where they are guaranteed a 5-star summon. This takes place at 90 wishes, which requires 14,400 Primogems to reach.

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How many Primogems are needed with 50/50?

Genshin Impact's 50/50 system is also important to consider when fans are looking for a 5-star character.

When players get a featured 5-star on a banner, like the recent Yae Miko, their account is put into a 50/50 for the next summoned character. This means that the next time they summon a 5-star on the featured banner, there is a 50% chance that it will be one of the standard banner 5-stars instead of the featured character.

This can be a huge drain of Primogems, and many players will want to avoid this scenario.

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Luckily, after losing a 50/50, players gain the guaranteed status on their account, which means their next 5-star will 100% be the featured character. Players can save this effect as it carries over through banners, saving them thousands of precious gems.

Still, if players are starting from zero pity and are also on a 50/50, they will need at least 28,800 Primogems to be 100% certain they will get Raiden Shogun.

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Genshin Impact's pity system makes wishes a lot easier to manage, but the Primogem costs are still hefty.

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