How to plant seeds in Valheim

Image via Valheim Game
Image via Valheim Game

In essence, Valheim is a sandbox survival game, and that means farming is an expected part of the experience. However, planting and farming seeds isn't as simple as some other games on the market.

The first step in any kind of farming is getting your hands on some seeds. One can't really farm without an initial seed to plant.

Carrot seeds are the first obtainable seeds for players, and they can be found in the Black Forest biome, which is the second explorable biome in order.

After carrot seeds, turnip seeds can be collected in the third consecutive biome, which is the swamp. On the side of the seeds, one can also search for and collect tree seeds in the form of items such as pine cones.

Once the players have collected the seeds they need, they can begin the farming process, but it won't be as simple as planting them in dirt and hoping for the best.

How to plant seeds and efficiently farm in Valheim


With seeds on hand, the first step to farming at one's own camp in Valheim is to craft a cultivator.

Like many other items in the game, a player will need a workbench under a roof in their own camp to craft the needed cultivator. The required materials for a cultivator in Valheim are five bronze and five core wood.

After crafting the cultivator, the player will need to find a good area to plant all the seeds they've collected beforehand. One of the best ways to make a good spot for farming is to make a hoe tool.

To craft one, the player will need two stone and five wood on the workbench. The purpose of the hoe tool in Valheim is to easily flatten the ground, which will make the farming process far easier.

Now that the player has chosen a spot and flattened the ground, it's time to take out the cultivator. With the tool in hand, the player must aim at the ground and left-click on the grass to turn it into soil.

The player must then go into their inventory with the cultivator in hand and select a seed to plant. The last step is to click on the spot that the player has cultivated and plant the desired seed.

Once all those steps are done, the only thing left to do is give the seeds time to grow. Players don't need to use any water or any fertilizer; they can simply hunt some enemies to have their seeds in no time.