How to play Viego in the bot lane as an ADC in League of Legends season 11

Image via Riot Games - League of Legends
Image via Riot Games - League of Legends

League of Legends' Ruined King has recently stepped into the Summoner's Rift, and players have got ample options and choices to experience "complete ruination" with Viego.

Viego is generally played as a jungler in League of Legends. But his ability to dish out heavy loads of damage, labels him as a suitable candidate for ADC too.

For an ADC, the champion generally starts extremely weak in a game. Once important items are gained throughout a match, the champion scales up dramatically, and if handled well, he literally turns into a beast.


The role of ADC in League of Legends is very much item-dependent. And considering Viego's item versatility, he can abuse the bottom lane pretty well, especially in the mid-game with a proper ADC build.

ADC Viego build path and runes in League of Legends

Image via Riot Games - League of Legends Starting Items for ADC Viego build (Image via - League of Legends)
Image via Riot Games - League of Legends Starting Items for ADC Viego build (Image via - League of Legends)

#1 - Starting Items

Runes and Spell for ADC Viego build (Image via - League of Legends)
Doran's Blade
  • Stealth Ward
  • Health Potion
  • Doran's blade is a great starting item for ADCs. It gives them bonus damage in lane, allowing them to deal more damage when last hitting minions and poking enemies. Doran's blade is a brilliant starting pick for Viego, as he has high kill-potential. It also gives 80 health, which will give Viego a slight increase in survivability.

    Image via Riot Games - League of Legends
    Image via Riot Games - League of Legends

    Stealth ward and Health potion too are important starters for Viego, since he would need to counter a lot of damage down the bot lane.

    #2 - Build Items (in order)

    Items for ADC Viego build (Image via - League of Legends)
    Items for ADC Viego build (Image via - League of Legends)
    • Kraken Slayer
    • Berserker's Greaves
    • Blade of the Ruined King
    • The Collector
    • Bloodthirster
    • Infinity Edge

    As is said in the name, the Blade of the Ruined King is a strong finished item on Viego. The blade is also known as Bork, and it gives ADCs varied passive and active stats, on top of providing an aggressive approach during teamfights.

    Image via Riot Games - League of Legends
    Image via Riot Games - League of Legends

    The Bork has a passive that deals 8% bonus physical damage and an active that slows down the enemy.

    #3 - Runes and Summoner Spells

    Runes and Spells for ADC Viego build (Image via - League of Legends)
    Runes and Spells for ADC Viego build (Image via - League of Legends)


    • Press the Attack / Conqueror / Lethal Tempo
    • Triumph
    • Legend: Alacrity
    • Coup de Grace


    • Sudden Impact
    • Ravenous Hunter


    • +10% Attack Speed
    • +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
    • +6 Armor


    • Flash
    • Heal

    Conqueror and Press the Attack are ADC Viego's most potent rune options for precision. Conqueror is good for extended trades, while Press the Attack is the most pervasive rune, enabling a strong dueling presence. Both are incredibly useful.

    Flash and Heal are two good Summoner spells that Viego can carry while countering the bot lane's heavy damage.

    How to play Viego as ADC

    The ideal approach towards an effective ADC Viego is to hold, scale-up, and run ruination in the mid and late games. Following is a suggested ability order for ADC Viego:

    ADC Viego's suggested ability order (Image via - League of Legends)
    ADC Viego's suggested ability order (Image via - League of Legends)

    Enemies that Viego should prioritize for possession in the bot lane:

    1. Samira
    2. Jhin
    3. Katarina
    4. Ashe
    5. Vayne
    6. Ezreal
    7. Caitlyn
    8. Kai'Sa


    Viego as ADC perfectly synergizes with Yuumi as his support. The Ruined King is a good bot lane choice considering his huge item versatility. With minor tweaks and buffs in his tanking features, Viego can turn out to be a beast in the role of AD Carry.

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