How to repair client for Diablo Immortal

Diablo Immortal is out on mobiles and PC in beta (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Diablo Immortal is out on mobiles and PC in beta (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

With Diablo Immortal's open beta release, players have finally had the opportunity to try out the new entry in one of gaming's most beloved franchises. However, they have already pointed out one glaring performance issue with the game's early state: its ever-present repair client error.

Getting this error can be heartbreaking for Diablo fans who waited as long as they did to finally play the newest game in their favorite franchise. Getting a game-crashing error can be devastating in any title gamers play. However, there is always a way to fix this significant inconvenience.

Thankfully, all hope is not lost for Diablo Immortal in terms of its client error. So how can users go about fixing this issue? With the game being in as early of a state as it is, there will inevitably be a few issues.

Luckily, these types of problems are never major, just an easily-fixable inconvenience.

Fixing Diablo Immortal's Client: Game crashes

The Diablo Immortal has been giving individuals using the mobile version issues (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The Diablo Immortal has been giving individuals using the mobile version issues (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

The first thing players will need to know about this "fix client" error is its meaning. This issue has not been reported on PC platforms, appearing only in the mobile version. It often occurs to those on these platforms upon connecting to the servers.

This issue leaves users stuck on the title screen with the "repair client" text staring right back at them. Thankfully, this problem has an easy fix. Rather than going to extremes like going into their device's settings menu or even deleting the application, they can fix this from the title menu.

If gamers find themselves in a staring contest with Diablo Immortal's first boss, the "repair client" text, they first need to restart their application. Once the title opens up to its "tap to play" screen, they need to turn their attention to the right side of the screen.

There, readers will be presented with a few different icons.

A player on Diablo Immortal Mobile's home screen (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
A player on Diablo Immortal Mobile's home screen (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

After reaching this screen, players will want to tap on the icon marked with the wrench and screwdriver option. While this may typically get mistaken for a game's "settings" menu, this button has another purpose entirely. Funnily enough, this is the game's handy "fix the client" button.

Once this option is selected, users will be given a prompt asking if they wish to repair the client. If they choose "yes," the title will scan for potential errors, fix them, and prompt individuals to restart the game.

However, some gamers have reported that this does not fix their game. If this is the case, what options exist?

They have reported this problem being fixed after restarting their internet router. Others have said that this error repairs itself when switching to their mobile data instead of using their internet.

Both these options are worth trying before proceeding to more drastic measures.


For readers still experiencing this issue after attempting the provided methods, there are two more methods they can try. One is going into the game's settings directly from the mobile device's settings app, and clearing the data cache has reportedly worked for players.

If all else fails, they may delete and reinstall the app.

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